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iMETA 2025 : The 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications


When Oct 14, 2025 - Oct 17, 2025
Where Dubrovnik, Croatia
Submission Deadline Mar 15, 2025
Notification Due May 26, 2025
Final Version Due Jun 26, 2025
Categories    metaverse   AI   security and privacy

Call For Papers

Over the years, technology has advanced significantly, and the creation of the virtual environments (i.e., metaverse) is one of the latest innovations that is set to revolutionize how we interact, process, and connect our real-life to other lifes. With the metaverse, we are presented with a new realm that blurs the lines between the physical and digital world, providing a new space for communication, commerce, services, and entertainment.

The International Conference on Intelligent Metaverse Technologies & Applications (iMeta) is to bring together leading researchers, academics, and industry experts to explore the various aspects of the distributive metaverse, including its technologies, applications, and implications for various industries. Attendees can expect to participate in exciting keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations on cutting-edge research field.

Throughout the conference, there will be ample opportunities for attendees to network, share their knowledge, and collaborate on future initiatives that will drive the development of the metaverse forward. We are confident that iMeta conference will inspire new ideas, foster innovation, and spark collaborations that will push the boundaries of the metaverse and its potential to change the world as we know it.

The metaverse is a complex system that requires careful planning, design, and implementation to function correctly. The iMeta conference will delve into several key areas related to communication, computing, and systems within the metaverse. Communication is a fundamental aspect of the metaverse, allowing users to interact with one another, share information, and collaborate on tasks. Computing is also essential for the metaverse advancements and to function effectively. Topics such as distributed computing, cloud computing, and edge computing are to be revisited within the metaverse realm.

Overall, the iMETA conference aims to provide attendees with comprehensive understanding of the communication, computing, and system requirements of the metaverse. Through keynote speeches, panel discussions, and presentations, attendees will have the opportunity to engage with leading experts and learn about the latest developments and future trends in the field. The conference will also provide ample opportunities for networking, sharing knowledge, and collaborating with others in the metaverse community.

List of Tracks:
+Track 1: Large Language Models (LLMs) in the Metaverse
+Track 2: Native AI for Metaverse Technologies
+Track 3: Security and Privacy
+Track 4: Networking and Communications
+Track 5: Systems and Computing
+Track 6: Multimedia and Computer Vision
+Track 7: Immersive Technologies and Services
+Track 8: Storage and Processing

IEEE is a technical sponsor of iMETA2025. All accepted papers in iMETA 2025 and the workshops co-located with it will be submitted to IEEEXplore, dblp and Scopus for inclusion.

Submission Guidelines:
Manuscripts must be original, not previously published, or under review by another conference or journal. Submissions should adhere to the IEEE Conference Proceedings Format, using a double-column layout, 10-point font, and letter-sized paper. Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format and should not exceed 6 pages for the review process. Accepted papers may extend to a maximum of 8 pages for the camera-ready version, subject to an overlength page fee.

Submission Link:

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