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ICPM 2025 : International Conference on Process Mining


When Oct 20, 2025 - Oct 24, 2025
Where Montevideo, Uruguay
Abstract Registration Due May 15, 2025
Submission Deadline May 22, 2025
Notification Due Jul 11, 2025
Final Version Due Aug 22, 2025
Categories    process mining   business process management   artificial intelligence   event data

Call For Papers

The International Conference on Process Mining (ICPM) is the leading global forum for researchers, practitioners, and developers in process mining. The conference fosters a dynamic exchange of ideas and knowledge through scientific talks, interactive industry discussions, live contests, hands-on tutorials, and expert panels.

ICPM covers all facets of process mining, including theoretical advancements, algorithmic challenges, impactful applications, and interdisciplinary connections with fields like machine learning, data science, and operations management. Co-sponsored by the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society and supported by the IEEE Task Force on Process Mining, ICPM represents the cutting edge of process mining research and practice.

Process mining transforms how organizations understand, analyze, and improve their work processes by extracting insights from transactional data recorded in IT systems. This data-driven approach enables organizations to enhance performance across key dimensions such as efficiency, quality, compliance, and risk. By replacing traditional, assumption-based methodologies with evidence-based decision-making, process mining unlocks unique opportunities for advancing business process management.

Topics for Research Papers

ICPM 2025 invites groundbreaking contributions in both technical and empirical process mining research, aiming to push the boundaries of innovation and knowledge. Submissions should clearly articulate their contributions and novelty. Unless they are purely formal or conceptual, papers are expected to include evaluations (in case of technical papers) or present newly collected data (in case of empirical papers). To enhance replicability and impact, authors are strongly encouraged to provide supplementary resources, such as used datasets, publicly accessible implementations, and experimental packages for empirical studies. Studies utilizing novel, unpublished datasets are particularly welcomed. Research using existing datasets must emphasize the novelty of the analysis or its unprecedented results.

Selected accepted papers may be invited for an extended and revised publication in a special issue of the flagship journal Process Science, edited by Springer (

ICPM 2025 welcomes submissions across a broad spectrum of topics, including but not limited to:

Technical Research in Process Mining

Novel process mining techniques for
Process discovery
Conformance checking
Performance measurement
Predictive and prescriptive process monitoring
Comparative process analysis
Formal foundations of process mining
Conceptual models related to process mining
Process mining visualizations
Empirical Research in Process Mining

Case studies and applications
Experiments involving process mining algorithms
Humans-in-the-loop experiments
Interview-based studies
Types of Contributions & Submission Instructions

ICPM 2025 welcomes two types of contributions:

1. Regular Research Papers

Regular research papers should present completed research with clearly outlined contributions. Accepted regular research papers will be presented in the main track of the conference, allowing authors to share their findings and engage with attendees through Q&A sessions. Regular research papers will be published in the conference proceedings.

Length: Maximum of 8 pages
Format: Papers must follow the IEEE Computational Intelligence Society conference proceedings guidelines (8.5″ × 11″, two-column format). Templates for LaTeX and Word are available here:
2. Posters

Poster submissions provide a platform for presenting new ideas or ongoing, promising work. Authors can gather feedback and engage with the community in a dedicated poster session. Poster papers will be reviewed but not published in the conference proceedings.

Length: Maximum of 4 pages
Format: Use the IEEE templates provided above. In addition, authors of poster submissions should add “(Poster)” to the title of their submission to clearly distinguish them as such.
Submission Guidelines

All submissions must be original and not submitted elsewhere during the review process.
The use of AI-generated text must be disclosed in the acknowledgments section of the paper. Any sections utilizing AI-generated content must include citations to the AI system used.
Submissions should be made through the ICPM 2025 submission system at (ICPM 2025 track)
All papers must be written in English.
Review Process

Each submission will be reviewed by at least one senior process committee member and two additional reviewers.
A discussion period will follow the reviews to finalize decisions.
Presentation and Copyright

At least one author of each accepted contribution is required to register for the conference, present their work, and sign a copyright release form.
Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion

The Process Mining community welcomes the advancement of diversity, equity, and inclusion (DEI) across our professional endeavors. We celebrate the diversity in our community and foster an environment that welcomes individuals irrespective of age, gender identity, race, ethnicity, socioeconomic status, nationality, beliefs, sexual orientation, physical capabilities, education, and professional background. We urge all participants to uphold DEI principles in their written work, reviews, presentations, and any engagement linked to the ICPM conference.

Open Science Principles

The ICPM conference encourages authors of research papers to follow the principles of transparency, reproducibility, and replicability. In particular, the conference supports the adoption of open data and open source principles and encourages authors to disclose (anonymized and curated) data in order to increase reproducibility and replicability.

Authors are encouraged to make research artifacts (e.g., prototypes, interview protocols, questionnaires) or the datasets (used in, or produced by, the empirical evaluation) reported in the paper available in a suitable form. To facilitate this, we kindly ask authors to include links in their manuscripts to private or public repositories where reviewers can access the associated research artifacts. This information may be presented in a dedicated section, such as “Data availability” or “Reproducibility”. This requirement does not apply to papers that neither involve an empirical study nor a prototype implementation.

Authors who are unable or choose not to share their research artifacts and datasets with the program committee are encouraged to provide an explanation within their submitted manuscript, detailing the reasons behind their decision. This statement may be removed from the final version of the paper if it gets accepted. Possible reasons may involve privacy restrictions or non-disclosure agreements. While sharing research artifacts is not mandatory for submission or acceptance, the program committee members may use this information to inform their decision.

To enhance the accessibility of research artifacts and datasets, authors are advised to make them accessible via public repositories (e.g., Zenodo, Figshare, GitHub, or institutional archives) under an open data license such as the CC0 dedication or the CC-BY 4.0 license. Making research artifacts and datasets available via cloud services such as Dropbox or Google Docs is discouraged due to the volatility of the links associated with these services.

Finally, authors are encouraged to self-archive their pre- and post-prints in open, preserved repositories, such as their institutional preprint repository, arXiv, or other non-profit services, in line with IEEE’s copyright agreement (see IEEE Preprint Policy).

Related Resources

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IEEE-Ei/Scopus-CNIOT 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Computing, Networks and Internet of Things (CNIOT 2025) -EI Compendex
ISKE 2025   The 20th International Conference on Intelligent Systems and Knowledge Engineering (ISKE 2025)
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IEEE BDAI 2025   IEEE--2025 the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2025)