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EPIDEMICS 2025 : 10th International Conference on Infectious Disease Dynamics


When Nov 30, 2025 - Dec 3, 2025
Where Paradise Point, San Diego, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 25, 2025
Categories    epidemics   infectious disease dynamics   epidemiology   infectious disease data

Call For Papers

Join us at EPIDEMICS 10 to share another three days of intense dialogue on the latest ideas, data, insight, models and methods in infectious disease dynamics.

Abstracts are invited by 25 June 2025 for contributed talks and for presentation within the lively and stimulating poster sessions.

Topics include:

Dynamics of infectious diseases of humans
Dynamics of infectious diseases of animals
Within-host dynamics and immuno-epidemiology
Ecology of infectious diseases
Evolution and phylodynamics in infectious diseases
Dynamics and consequences of antimicrobial resistance
Global, economic and policy aspects of control and prevention
Statistical methods for infectious disease data
Social, spatial and network aspects of interaction
Problems related to the "end game" of eradication
Zoonoses and other cross-species events
Pandemic preparedness and response
Non-pharmaceutical mitigation measures and exit strategies
Tools to balance epidemiological, societal and economic impact of pandemic mitigation measures
Vector-borne diseases
Host behaviour and infectious diseases
Multi-host and multi-pathogen/parasite systems
Problems in vaccine-preventable infections & vaccination strategy
Problems in neglected tropical macroparasitic diseases
Policy & decision support

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