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AT:SL 2025 : Active Territories: Sport and Leisure Conference


When May 13, 2025 - May 14, 2025
Where Pau, France
Submission Deadline Jan 15, 2025
Notification Due Mar 3, 2025
Final Version Due Apr 13, 2025
Categories    economics   management   tourism   sport

Call For Papers

In recent years, sport has emerged as a key driver for revitalising and promoting regions. Major events such as the Olympic Games, FIFA World Cups or the Tour de France have generated a steady influx of tourism thanks to upgraded infrastructures and lasting media coverage. Professional sport also enhances the image of local areas and generates local tourism and business during recurring or seasonal events. This convergence between the worlds of sport and tourism does, however, require a considered and sustainable development approach in close coordination with the public authorities, whose role remains essential despite the decline observed in the face of the increasing professionalisation of sport.

In addition, the field of sports management is increasingly proving to be a source of inspiration for the business world, offering coaching strategies, motivation and collective management tactics that are relevant to companies. The integration of new technologies and the increased participation of women in sport are also significant trends, inviting us to study their influence in the managerial sphere as well as their financial and marketing impact on the industry.

Finally, internationalisation and the emergence of new players on the world sports scene, such as the BRICS countries, are crucial to understanding their impact on sports competition and tourism, both locally and globally.

We cordially invite academics, researchers, and industry professionals to submit full papers or a detailed abstract (instructions) addressing these issues in relation to the following themes and other related topics:

Sport Marketing and Territorial Attractiveness:
Analyzing how sport can contribute to the attractiveness of regions by attracting sporting events, quality infrastructures and visitors (e.g. mega-events at the Olympics and the World Cup).
Exploring the marketing strategies used by local authorities to promote their area through sport.
Study the role of sports infrastructure and facility management in the long-term attractiveness of regions.

Sport Management
Discuss the contributions of sports management as a model for business (e.g. motivational and mental coaching, individual and collective strategies).
Study the growing role of managers in the development of sports leagues (e.g. increasing professionalization of sport, involvement of coaches in financial/hr management).

Women in Sport
Examine the representation and impact of women in sports management: challenges and opportunities.
Analyze the role and contribution of women's sport in the industry.
Study the sports marketing strategies of companies specializing in women's sport.

Innovation and Technology in Sport and Tourism
Identify opportunities for technological innovation in sport and tourism (e.g. big data, recovery techniques, half-time shows/stadium atmosphere).
Analyze how new technologies can improve the experience of tourists and sports fans.

Sport Finance
Discussing the profitability and business models of professional sports leagues (e.g. franchises, TV rights).
Study new players and sources of finance in sport (e.g. crypto exchanges, investment/sovereign funds).

Sport Economics
Studying the competitive structure of sports industries and applying econometric models to the sporting and financial performance of professional clubs and leagues
Compare the costs and revenues of sporting events and tourist activities (direct-indirect and time-lagged effects).

Sports Tourism and Economic Development
Study how sports tourism can stimulate the local and national economy by creating jobs, generating revenue and attracting investment (e.g. multiplier effects, infrastructure and image legacies).
Examine the synergies between tourism businesses and sports stakeholders to maximize economic spin-offs.

Sustainability in Sport and Tourism
Explore sustainable practices in sport and tourism, such as reducing the carbon footprint of sporting events and preserving natural resources.
Discuss initiatives to minimize the environmental impact of sport tourism.
Internationalization and Competition in Sport
Analyze the impact on sport and tourism of new international entrants (e.g. BRICS) to the industry.
Discuss future trends in terms of the competitiveness of new sports leagues (e.g. Saudi Arabia) vis-à-vis historical participants.

Governance of institutions, mega-events and future prospects
Explore the distortions induced by the centralisation of decision-making power by international bodies (IOC, FIFA, UEFA, etc.), on the allocation of competitions or the type of organisation of professional leagues (franchise, championship).
Question the allocation criteria from a sustainable development perspective.

Public-private partnerships
Examine the role of public authorities in stimulating and supporting the tourism and sports sector.
Analyse the organisation of sports and tourism mega-events from the point of view of international collaboration.

Related Resources

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