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When Oct 6, 2024 - Nov 1, 2024
Where Surabaya, Indonesia (ONLINE)
Submission Deadline Nov 1, 2024
Notification Due Nov 1, 2024
Final Version Due Nov 16, 2024

Call For Papers

Important Information
In addition to holding a conference, we also hold a competition that can be followed by all students and you will get International Certificate. The winner of this competition will get a prize and another certificate.

The Competition is Call for Paper (CfP)

#About CfP
1. International conferences will have proceedings (scientific journal output posters) which will be exhibited during the conference through a digital website / virtual space.
2. Invite external lecturers to support scientific work in their country, review & accommodate articles (sounding to international students).
3. Paper and poster will have a template from the lecturer, an approval letter will be made.
Registration Call for Paper (CfP)
Open Registration: 06 October
Close Registration: 01 November
Terms And Condition
• Participants are active undergraduate students (Diploma and Bachelor) from all majors, public or private universities, and proven by active student card.
• Participants are individuals not teams.
• Participants are required to make payment and fill out the registration form.
• There is a registration fee for participants who register for the Paper Competition which is $5 (Rp 76.000).
• Registered participants cannot be replaced for any reason.
• Participants create 2 outputs in Paper Competition (Full Paper & Poster).
• The Paper Competition will collect full paper for judging and posters for display.
• Participants send files according to the predetermined format.
• Papers and posters that are contested are the original work of the participants and have never been included or published.
• If in the future there is a copyright lawsuit, the committee is not responsible for this, the committee will assume that all designs included are the original work of the participants.

This is a competition that tests participants' ability to write scientific papers. The paper itself is a writing that discusses a particular topic supported by strong data and arguments. Paper can also be interpreted as a summary of a research conducted. In this competition we also incorporated a poster competition. Where participants who have made a paper will also apply it in a poster for display. Later there will be best paper & best poster get cash money of $50 through Paypal transactions.

Main theme for paper competition:
Applied Business Science

General requirements
Participants are active undergraduate students (Diploma and Bachelor) from all majors, public or private universities, and proven by active student card.
Participants are individuals not teams.
Participants are required to make payment and fill out the registration form.
There is a registration fee for participants who register for the Paper Competition which is $5 (Rp 76.000).
Registered participants cannot be replaced for any reason.
Participants create 2 outputs in Paper Competition (Full Paper & Poster).
The Paper Competition will collect full paper for judging and posters for display.
Participants send files according to the predetermined format.
Papers and posters that are contested are the original work of the participants and have never been included or published.
If in the future there is a copyright lawsuit, the committee is not responsible for this, the committee will assume that all designs included are the original work of the participants.
Technical Guidelines for Paper Competition
The competition starts on 2024 October 6- 2024 November 1
The themes used in the paper are “Applied Business Science”.
The manuscript must be original and unpublished.
The manuscripts are typed with 1 space on A4 sized paper.
Abstract (Insert an abstract of 150-250 words).
The font type used is Times New Roman size 11 pt.
Margin rules: 4 cm from the left side, 3 cm from the right side, 4 cm from the top border, and 3 cm from the bottom border.
The title of the paper is typed in capital letters and bold in the center without underlining.
The manuscript is typed in 2 columns.
The manuscript file is sent in MS Word format.
The manuscript is written in English with effective and academic language.

The poster competition is designed to provide an alternative to oral presentations for paper submissions. Participants will create visual representations of their research to be displayed at the conference. This format allows for a more concise and impactful presentation of findings. By condensing their findings into a concise and informative graphic, participants can effectively communicate their key points to a wide audience. The poster competition offers a unique opportunity for researchers to explore creative ways to present their work and receive valuable feedback.

General requirements
The decision of the jury is absolute and inviolable.
Scientific posters are the result of original research that has never been published before in any media and has never been included in a similar competition.
If there is evidence of a violation, the work will be disqualified or cancelled.
The committee has the right and authority to publish scientific posters while still stating the author's name.
Technical and visualisation styles are free, original, and do not use elements that violate copyright and ethics.
The design is attractive with free colours.
Format of scientific poster
Title of the scientific poster.
Short and clear title.
Name of creator, faculty, and university.
Background, containing the appointment of the problem studied, an explanation of the importance and attractiveness of the work.
Research results.
Conclusions and suggestions.
Posters must fulfil the following criteria:

klik here for more about information and Template for Call for Paper

Related Resources

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ICAEB 2025   Springer--2025 9th International Conference on Applied Economics and Business (ICAEB 2025)
IEEE CNCIT 2025   2025 4th International Conference on Networks, Communications and Information Technology (CNCIT 2025)
ITA 2026   International Congress on Information, Technology and Applications
SSGRB 2026   3rd Sustainable Solutions for Growth - Research and Business
Ei/Scopus-CCRIS 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System (CCRIS 2025)
IJBBR 2025   International Journal of BRIC Business Research
ICTAI 2025   IEEE 37th International Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence
IJIBM 2025   IJIBM 2025 : Call For Papers - International Journal of Information, Business and Management