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Ongoing OPEN Call for Papers 2025 : IABS Healthcare Journal


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    healthcare   pain management   augmented reality   preventative care

Call For Papers

We invite researchers, practitioners, and experts in healthcare to contribute articles addressing key areas of development and concern in our field. Our focus is on groundbreaking advancements, emerging technologies, and pressing issues impacting healthcare delivery and outcomes. We are particularly interested in submissions that cover the following topics:

**Research on mRNA Vaccines and Novel Delivery Methods**: Investigate recent advancements in mRNA vaccines beyond COVID-19, including their applications in various diseases and innovative delivery mechanisms. Share insights on the potential for these technologies to transform preventive and therapeutic strategies in medicine.
**Burnout in Healthcare**: Examine the multifaceted issue of burnout among healthcare professionals. Analyze contributing factors, potential solutions, and the impact on providers and patient care. Articles should highlight research findings, successful interventions, and strategies for resilience.
**AI-Powered Tools for Burnout Management and Patient Outcomes**: Explore how artificial intelligence is being utilized to address burnout and enhance patient care. Discuss AI tools that support mental health for healthcare workers, improve workflow efficiencies, and contribute to better patient outcomes.
**Value-Based Care (VBC) for Preventative Measures**: Analyze the implementation of value-based care models with a focus on preventative care. Evaluate how VBC frameworks can be optimized to promote early intervention, reduce healthcare costs, and improve long-term health outcomes.
**Chronic Pain Management and Treatment Pathways**: Present novel approaches and evidence-based practices for managing chronic pain. Detail integrated care models, new treatments, and patient-centered strategies aimed at improving quality of life for those with chronic pain conditions.
**Augmented Reality (AR) in the Future of Medicine**: Investigate the potential role of augmented reality in revolutionizing medical practice.
Discuss applications, prospects, and how AR could enhance surgical precision, medical training, and patient engagement.

We encourage submissions that offer a blend of rigorous research, practical insights, and forward-thinking perspectives. Contributions should be well-researched, thoroughly referenced, and provide actionable insights for advancing healthcare.

**Submission Guidelines and Deadlines:**

– **Full Paper Submission Deadline:**

[October 15, 2024] for December 2024 Publication
[May 15, 2025] for July 2025 Publication
– **Notification of Acceptance:**

[November 15, 2024] for December 2024 Publication
[June 15, 2025] for July 2025 Publication

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