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WAIN 2024 : IEEE ICDM International Workshop on AI for Nudging and Personalization (WAIN)


When Dec 9, 2024 - Dec 12, 2024
Where Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UA
Submission Deadline Sep 22, 2024
Notification Due Oct 7, 2024
Final Version Due Oct 11, 2024
Categories    machine learning   personalization   nudging   AI

Call For Papers

IEEE ICDM International Workshop on AI for Nudging and Personalization (WAIN)
December 9, 2024
Abu Dhabi National Exhibition Centre, UAE.

Call for Papers
Personalization, the adaptation of products and services to individual preferences, is crucial for modern businesses seeking to
enhance customer satisfaction. With the integration of artificial intelligence technologies, digital systems can now achieve large-
scale personalization. Companies like Netflix, Facebook, and Amazon leverage personalization to increase revenue and expand
their customer base. In the education sector, personalized technologies are being developed to create tailored learning experiences
for each student based on their abilities, background, and preferences. The demand for personalized content extends across
various applications, including precision marketing and precision healthcare.

Nudging has been widely used by decision-makers and organizations, both government and private, to influence the behavior of
target populations. In the digital world, digital nudging employs user-interface design elements to guide people’s behavior in
digital choice environments. Examples include emails encouraging vaccination, text messages promoting counseling services
during exam weeks, and marketing messages through various digital media. With the increasing availability of big data, artificial
intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and data science (DS) technologies have the potential to transform data-driven nudging
and decision-making. This workshop aims to create a new community around AI for nudging and explore the state of the art in
AI/ML/DS-based systems and applications of digital nudging.

We welcome contributions from researchers across disciplines who are developing AI/ML/DS technologies that impact human
behavior based on nudging theory, personalization, or behavioral science solutions. For instance, in the context of public health
communications, how can AI/ML address constructing messages incorporating nudges? How can we digitally nudge people
toward better healthcare outcomes, improved financial decisions, or increased productivity? Additionally, what are the key
challenges related to data, technology, privacy, ethics, adoption, and scaling in nudging and personalization? We are also
interested in case studies that explore the effectiveness of nudges and personalization in maximizing specific outcomes, as well as
how AI/ML systems can nudge individuals toward better decisions. Industry insights on how nudging and personalization
technologies influence consumer behavior are particularly valuable for our workshop.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
* Advances in personalization
* Personalization vs Individualization
* Enhancing Personalization through Individualization
* Theoretical foundations of nudging
* Core AI/ML topics including multi-agents, federated learning, active learning, semi-supervised learning, multi-armed
bandits, contextual bandits, reinforcement learning, deep learning, transfer learning
* Multi-modal data and model fusion
* Representation learning, and embeddings
* Learning from categorical and relational data
* Feature engineering
* Statistical models, A/B testing
* Privacy and Ethical Issues in Nudging and Personalization
* Personalized nudging
* Challenges for AI in real-time nudging
* AI-driven interactions encoding behavior change solutions
* Nudging and personalization in conversational AI systems
* Evaluation strategies to measure the impact and effectiveness of nudging and personalization
* Applications: Healthcare, Precision Medicine, Energy, Environment, Transportation, Workforce, Education,
Advertising, Government, Politics, Policy, Software Engineering

Important Dates
* Sept. 22, 2024: Paper submission
* October 07, 2024: Acceptance notification
* October 11, 2024: Camera-ready deadline and copyright form
* December 9, 2024: In-person Workshop

Paper Submissions
This is an open call for papers. We invite both full papers (max 8 pages) describing mature work and short papers (max 4-5
pages) describing work-in-progress or case studies. Only original and high-quality papers formatted using the IEEE 2-column
format (Latex Template), including the bibliography and any possible appendices, will be considered for review.

All submitted papers will be evaluated by 2-3 program committee members and accepted papers will be included in an ICDM
Workshop Proceedings volume, to be published by the IEEE Computer Society Press and will be included in the IEEE Xplore
Digital Library.

Best Research/Application/Student Paper Awards
Best research, application, and student paper awards are sponsored by Lirio. The awards committee will select papers for these
awards based on relevance, program committee reviews, and presentation quality.
Contact: Send Email (

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