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OPSYCH 2025 : Call for Papers - Positive Economic Psychology: Exploring the intersection between Positive Psychology and Economic Psychology (second call)


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Submission Deadline Jan 31, 2025
Categories    psychology   economic psychology   positive psychology

Call For Papers


for a special issue of Open Psychology



(second call)

Open Psychology ( invites submissions for a special issue dedicated to Positive Economic Psychology, edited by Dr Rona Hart (School of Psychology, University of Sussex, UK).


This special issue is dedicated to exploring the emerging field of Positive Economic Psychology, a domain that marries insights from Positive Psychology with the complexities of economic behaviour, decisions, and perceptions. At its heart, Positive Economic Psychology is concerned with researching and enhancing economic wellbeing. It investigates the myriad conditions and processes that are instrumental in fostering economic prosperity and the optimal economic functioning of individuals, groups, and societies. The concept of economic wellbeing is pivotal, serving as the cornerstone for its research agenda and practical applications. By examining how positive psychological constructs such as happiness, resilience, hope, mindfulness and prosociality can influence economic decisions and outcomes, this interdisciplinary area seeks to uncover strategies that enhance financial wellbeing and contentment.

Contributions to this special issue may span a broad array of empirical, theoretical, and methodological research, all aimed at advancing our understanding of how to integrate positive psychological principles to foster economic flourishing. Through such explorations, Positive Economic Psychology aims to chart a course towards more sustainable, ethical, and positive economic practices and policies.

The scope of the special issue encompasses a broad spectrum of topics and research areas that combine Positive Psychology and Economic Psychology. The scope includes, but is not limited to, the following areas:

• Exploration of key concepts (such as economic wellbeing, financial satisfaction, financial stress, and economic fragility);

• Dispositions and capabilities that impinge on economic behaviours (such as traits, states, skills, knowledge, and attitudes);

• Experiences, circumstances and contexts that influence economic behaviours (such as SES and global economic trends);

• Economic decisions, behaviours and actions (with particular emphasis on adaptive and productive behaviours);

• Policies and interventions aimed at fostering adaptive and effective financial decisions and behaviours;

• Economic outcomes (particularly those that contribute to an individual's overall quality of life).


Because Open Psychology is published under an Open Access model, as a rule, publication costs should be covered by Article Publishing Charges (APC), paid by authors, their affiliated institutions, funders or sponsors. Authors without access to publishing funds are encouraged to discuss potential discounts or waivers with Managing Editor of the journal Katarzyna Tempczyk ( before submitting their manuscripts.


Manuscripts will be collected until January 31, 2025, via the on-line submission system at

The publication is planned for 2024 and 2025. Evaluation process for each manuscript will be started immetiatelly after its submission, and each article will published immediatelly upon completing the process. Therefore we encourage all authors to submit their manuscripts as soon as possible, to speed up their publication.

Please choose as article type: Positive Economic Psychology.

Before submission the authors should carefully read the Instruction for Authors, available at

All contributions will undergo critical peer-review before being accepted for publication.

Further questions about content for this thematic issue can be addressed to Dr Rona Hart ( In case of technical problems with submission please write to

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