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8th PhD CONFERENCE - Reimagining Crises 2024 : 8th PhD CONFERENCE VENICE - Reimagining Crises: Turning Points in Language Studies and Literary Narratives


When Nov 4, 2024 - Nov 5, 2024
Where Venice
Submission Deadline Jul 8, 2024
Categories    linguistics   literature   translation   language teaching

Call For Papers

We are pleased to announce the 8th Annual Doctoral Conference of the Department Language Sciences Conference of Linguistics and Cultural Comparative Studies of Ca’ Foscari University of Venice. The conference is scheduled for the 4th and 5th of November, 2024 and will take place at Ca' Bernardo, Venice.
This year's event is titled “Reimagining crises: Turning Points in Language Studies and Literary Narratives”. We aim to explore the nuanced implications of crises and turning points within the disciplines of Linguistics, Literature, Language Teaching and Translation and Interpreting, the four key disciplines of our PhD program.


Call for Papers:

Linguistics: papers focusing on historical and experimental linguistics; contributions centered on linguistic change induced by linguistic and extra-linguistic factors representing a turning point in the evolution of languages; experimental studies that provide both online and offline data on language acquisition and processing through novel paradigms. The application of technological modalities and innovative approaches is particularly appreciated.

Literature: papers related to prose, poetry and drama literary works that have traced critical scenarios and addressed major cultural breakthroughs during the 20th and 21st centuries. Such texts must unify observation of moments of crisis with (ri)elaborations and reactions aimed at overcoming the critical juncture. Peculiar attention shall be reserved to narrative places and spaces, either extremely close to historical reality or oriented towards fictional perspectives.

Language Teaching: papers focusing on the transition from teachers’ centered methods to student centered ones; on the new methodology oriented towards communicative methods, incorporating innovative tools such as Artificial Intelligence (AI) and strategies focused on interculturalism and multilingualism.

Translation and Interpreting: papers exploring the new pivotal phase that the discipline is now facing due to the widespread use of tools such as Neural Machine Translation (NMT) and AI among professional and non-professional translators. The focus should be on theoretical insights, innovative methodologies and tools, new challenges for the translation and interpreting professions, and ethics.

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