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PASC 2024 : The Platform for Advanced Scientific Computing Conference


When Jun 3, 2024 - Jun 5, 2024
Where Zurich, Switzerland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    scientific computing   HPC

Call For Papers

PASC24 Theme
Synthesizing Applications Through Learning and Computing

The next big scientific impacts will unfold as scientific communities transcend domain boundaries to tackle interesting multidisciplinary questions. To deliver on these challenges, there is a pressing need for connected learning and computing paradigms that deliver insightful and explainable solutions. Designing novel and combined computing, learning, AI, and HPC paradigms is essential to address grand challenges at the intersection of multiple scientific domains; whether it is the impact of climate change on energy resources and food production, the economic consequences of pandemics, or the development of novel materials to build new computing platforms. The theme for PASC24 focuses on the grand challenge of combining physics-based simulations with novel machine learning and AI based methods to address interdisciplinary problems in science.


The PASC Conference welcomes submissions of papers, minisymposia and posters in the following scientific domains:

Chemistry and Materials (incl. ceramics, metals, and polymers)
Climate, Weather, and Earth Sciences (incl. solid earth dynamics)
Applied Social Sciences and Humanities (incl. behavioral, economic, legal, political and business sciences, philosophy, languages, the arts, ethics in computing including climate impact of HPC, biases in machine learning, etc.)
Engineering (incl. CFD, computational mechanics, computational engineering and materials, turbulent flow)
Life Sciences (incl. biophysics, genomics, bioinformatics, systems biology, neuroscience, and computational biology)
Physics (incl. astrophysics, cosmology, plasma modelling, and quantum information sciences)
Computational Methods and Applied Mathematics

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