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AGTDA 2024 : Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age 2nd Edition


When Oct 24, 2024 - Oct 24, 2024
Where Bari, Italy
Submission Deadline Jun 30, 2024
Notification Due Jul 20, 2024
Categories    greek theatre   digital humanities

Call For Papers

Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age 2nd Edition
Bari – Centro Polifunzionale Studenti
sala “A. Leogrande” – October 24th, 2024

Sabina Castellaneta (Bari), Nadia Rosso (Piemonte Orientale), Lorenza Savignago (Trieste)

Scientific Committee
Luigi Battezzato (Pisa), Claudio De Stefani (Trieste), Giorgio Ieranò (Trento), Olimpia Imperio (Bari), Massimo Magnani (Parma), Bernhard Zimmermann (Freiburg)

Keynote Speakers
Gregory Crane (Tufts University), Donald J. Mastronarde (Berkeley)

The scientific meeting “Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age” aims to explore the challenges and limitations of digital tools in the study of ancient Greek theatre. We especially look for papers that present experiences, project proposals and research perspectives relating to:
a) digital critical editions of ancient Greek dramas, including fragmentary ones, and of ancient scholia to plays;
b) collaborative and open access editions of ancient Greek dramas and new paradigms of authorship and accessibility in the digital age;
c) digital archives and online lexica of ancient Greek theatre.

The meeting is organised by the University of Bari, in collaboration with the Universities of Piemonte Orientale, Trento and Trieste.
The conference is part of the “Convegno Diffuso Sul Dramma Antico” promoted by the “Centro Studi sul Teatro Classico” of the University of Torino.
The meeting will be held both in-person and online.

Speakers intending to participate in the conference are invited to send an e-mail to by June 30th, 2024 following these instructions:
1. object: “Submission for the conference Ancient Greek Theatre in the Digital Age”;
2. attachments (pdf): an anonymous abstract written either in Italian or English (maximum 300 words), indicating the title and the research field of the paper proposal (a. digital critical editions; b. collaborative editions; c. archives and lexica); a brief curriculum vitae (in Italian or English), listing affiliation, relevant degrees and publications (maximum 300 words).
The scientific committee is responsible for accepting or rejecting the proposals.
Papers can be submitted either in Italian or English and they should not exceed 30 minutes in length. It is the intention of the organising committee to publish the conference proceedings under the supervision of the scientific committee.

May 5th Opening of the call for papers
June 30th Deadline for the call for papers
July 20th Acceptance of the successful proposals
October 24th International conference

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