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ASYDE 2024 : 6th International Workshop on Automated and verifiable Software sYstem DEvelopment


When Oct 28, 2024 - Oct 28, 2024
Where Sacramento, California, United States
Submission Deadline Jul 28, 2024
Notification Due Sep 2, 2024
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2024
Categories    computer science   software engineering

Call For Papers

6th International Workshop on Automated and verifiable Software sYstem DEvelopment
Co-located with the 39th IEEE/ACM International Conference on Automated Software Engineering (ASE 2024)

During the last three decades, automation in software development has gone mainstream. Software development teams strive to automate as much of the software development activities as possible, spanning requirements specification, system modeling, code generation, testing, deployment, verification, as well as release phases, project status reporting, and system maintenance. Automation helps to reduce development time and cost, as well as to concentrate knowledge by bringing quality into every step of the development process.

Realizing high-quality software systems requires producing software that is efficient, error-free, cost-effective, and that satisfies evolving requirements. Thus, one of the most crucial factors impacting software quality concerns not only the automation of the development process but also the ability to verify the outcomes of each process activity and the goodness of the resulting software product as well.

This becomes particularly true these days when we are, and will be, increasingly surrounded by a virtually infinite number of software artifacts -- often underspecified -- that can be composed to build new applications. This situation radically changes the way software will be produced and used:
- software is increasingly produced according to a certain goal, that can change during the system's execution, and by integrating existing software;
- the focus of software production is then on the ability to perform automated reasoning to achieve software integration and development that can be kept always correct-by-construction via static and dynamic verification.

This calls for automated software development methods and techniques, compositional verification theories, integration architectures, as well as, automated flexible and dynamic composition, and development mechanisms.

Despite great interest in automated and verifiable software system development, no common formal aspects and software engineering approaches have been fully established yet. Developing software systems via an automated generation and verification method encompasses a variety of foundational principles and practical aspects, ranging from modeling and analysis issues to model-checking, from model-driven development techniques and code synthesis to run-time management issues, and AI approaches such as machine learning tools and large language models (LLMs).

ASYDE 2024 aims to provide a forum to share and discuss innovative contributions to research and practice related to novel software engineering approaches to automated and verifiable development of software systems.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to, the following:
- Automated software development, verification and integration, for example, Automated synthesis of software integration code, Formal methods for automated software development, Automated and verifiable software development, Software quality assurance for automated software development
- Specification, architecture, and design of software and verification models
- Description and validation of Non-functional properties of software
- Dynamic verification and testing
- Correct-by-construction software development
- Compositional theories for software development and its (dynamic) verification
- Service-oriented and Component-based software development
- Serverless-based systems development
- Model-driven software development
- Microservices, for example, Formal specification of (micro)services, Formal models for microservices, Methods and tools for (semi)-automatically migrating monolithic systems to component-based or microservice-based systems
- Automated planning methods
- Machine learning and AI techniques
- Automatic methods for the development and verification of smart contracts

ASYDE 2024 welcomes research papers, experience papers and tool presentations; nevertheless, papers describing novel research contributions and innovative applications are of particular interest.
Contribution can be:

Regular papers (up to 10 pages): in this category fall those contributions that propose novel research contributions, address challenging problems with innovative ideas, or offer practical contributions (e.g., industrial experiences and case studies) in the application software engineering approaches for building software systems via automated development and verification. Regular papers should clearly describe the situation or problem tackled, the relevant state of the art, the position or solution suggested, and the potential benefits of the contribution. Authors of papers reporting industrial experiences are strongly encouraged to make their experimental results available for use by reviewers. Similarly, case-study papers should describe significant case studies and the complete development should be made available for use by reviewers.

Short papers (up to 5 pages): this category includes tool demonstrations, position papers, well-pondered and sufficiently documented visionary papers. Tool demonstration papers should explain enhancements made in comparison to previously published work. Authors of demonstration papers should make their tool available for use by reviewers.

Accepted papers will be included in the ASE's conference proceedings.

We plan to invite selected papers to submit an extended version to a special issue on a Journal related to the topics of the Workshop.

Paper submission due: July 28th, 2024, AoE
Notification of acceptance: September 2nd, 2024, AoE
Camera-ready due: September 15th, 2024, AoE

Marco Autili, University of L'Aquila, Italy
Alessio Bucaioni, Mälardalen University, Sweden
Gianluca Filippone, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy
Lina Marsso, University of Toronto, Canada
Gian Luca Scoccia, Gran Sasso Science Institute, Italy

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