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GRASEC 2024 : The 5th International Workshop on Graph-based Approaches for CyberSecurity


When Jul 30, 2024 - Aug 2, 2024
Where Vienna, Austria
Submission Deadline May 19, 2024
Notification Due May 29, 2024
Final Version Due Jun 18, 2024
Categories    security   cybersecurity   graph theory   network security

Call For Papers

The complexity of today’s systems and the data they produce has made it more difficult to ensure their security due to the data overload, the need to store and handle massive amounts of data, and efficient analysis. Using graphs and knowledge graphs to analyze and interpret the data is a very promising strategy that is gaining more and more attention these last years. It is becoming more and more usual to employ graph databases and graph mining and learning algorithms for processing massive and complex data.

Graphs offer the advantage of capturing complex and heterogeneous systems and activities. Moreover, the visualization of graph-based data is straightforward and comprehensible for human analysts, which makes it very powerful in practice. For example, Botnet activity can be observed as a plethora of observables, and there is a need to correlate the particular observations into a big picture, which can be achieved using a graph to represent particular events and observations and relations between them. Attack graphs are popular tools for representing cyber-attacks, calculating their impact, and even projecting them and predicting the next step of an adversary.

This workshop aims at bringing together people from industry and academia, including researchers, developers, and practitioners from a variety of fields working on graphs and knowledge graphs, network management, data science, and cybersecurity. The workshop will allow attendees to share and discuss their latest findings from both theoretical and practical perspectives, namely in terms of graph-based security data representation, analysis, processing and visualization. The workshop attendees may benefit from sharing experience on graph-based data analysis regardless of the specific application. Moreover, researchers and practitioners will have an opportunity to familiarize themselves with recent advances in graph analysis, mining and learning, and other approaches that could be used in their work. The workshop aims to highlight the latest research and experience in graph-based approaches in cybersecurity. The workshop also seeks papers describing new datasets with real attack scenarios, graph modeling tools evaluated on existing and proposed datasets, and systematization of knowledge (SoK) papers.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to 02/04

Knowledge graphs and ontologies of cyberspaces and digital twins
Attack graphs modeling and application, graph-based threat assessment
Graph-based models for network modeling and cyber situational awareness
Graph-based approaches to network traffic analysis and forensics
Intrusion, anomaly, and botnet activity detection using graph data
Graph-based anomaly detection for network security and management
Graph application in access controls, security policies
Graph-based malware detection
Autoencoders and representation learning for graphs and knowledge graphs
Graph embedding techniques for network security and management problems
Graph databases and graph-based tools for security data analysis
Visualization and analysis of dynamic large-scale graphs and graph streams
Novel applications of static/dynamic and large graphs in network security and management

Related Resources

GbR 2025   14th IAPR-TC15 Workshop on Graph-based Representations in Pattern Recognition
ASIACCS 2025   The 20th ACM ASIA Conference on Computer and Communications Security - deadline 2
CCS 2025   ACM Conference on Computer and Communications Security 2024 (round 2)
Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series 2025   Intelligent Computing: Special Issue: Intelligent Computing-Based Time Series Analysis for Cybersecurity
ACNS 2025   23rd International Conference on Applied Cryptography and Network Security - deadline 2
SI - AI&Cyber - Applied Sciences (MDPI) 2025   Special Issue on Artificial Intelligence and Cybersecurity: Challenges and Opportunities
Security 2025   Special Issue on Recent Advances in Security, Privacy, and Trust
NLP4KGC 2025   4th NLP4KGC: Natural Language Processing for Knowledge Graph Construction
Good-Data@AAAI 2025   AAAI 2025 Workshop on Preparing Good Data for Generative AI: Challenges and Approaches (Good-Data)
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