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RT-Cloud 2024 : Third International Workshop on Real-Time Cloud Systems


When Jul 9, 2024 - Jul 9, 2024
Where Lille, France
Submission Deadline May 16, 2024
Notification Due Jun 6, 2024
Categories    cloud computing   real-time systems   safety-critical systems   edge computing

Call For Papers

The 3rd International Workshop on Real-Time Cloud Systems (RT-Cloud) will be held on July 9, 2024, in Lille, France, in conjunction with ECRTS 2024.

While most cloud services operate on a best-effort basis and provide no timing guarantees, there is a growing interest in cloud technologies for industrial and critical applications. Edge computing is a recent paradigm that brings processing and storage resources closer to the user. As a result, it provides benefits such as low latency and high bandwidth while still providing the benefits of cloud computing, making it lucrative for low-latency, real-time / safety-critical applications. However, a higher degree of determinism is desired for cloud and edge technologies to be fully embraced by the real-time / safety-critical industry. This calls for new techniques and methodologies to design predictable and reliable cloud/edge technologies and applications.

The workshop aims to bring together industrial and academic researchers and become a forum for discussing topics (including ideas, open and upcoming challenges, use cases, initiatives, calls to action, projects, regulations and standards, future research directions, etc.) related to real-time cloud/edge/fog computing and virtualization techniques. This year, the workshop will have a focus on industrial cloud use cases. The workshop also welcomes short and full papers that consider:

- New technologies, innovative approaches/ideas, including work-in-progress
- Open problems and upcoming challenges
- Regulations and standards
- Demos and tutorials, especially, for open-source projects
- Call to actions
- Experimental reports on existing technologies, including negative ones

Original full and short papers on all aspects of real-time/safety-critical cloud/edge/fog and virtualization are welcome. Researchers are encouraged (but not limited) to, submit papers regarding the following:

1. Use cases and applications for RT-cloud
- Use of cloud computing principles to improve performance/safety/security in existing real-time systems/use cases
- Real-time cloud and edge applications
-- Industrial use cases and requirements
-- Experiments and experiences with RT-cloud
-- Real-time / safety-critical applications as a cloud-based service
-- Real-time extension to existing cloud-computing technologies
-- Decomposition between the edge, fog, and cloud

2. Virtualization and cloud computing technologies/models for RT-cloud
- Development Operations (DevOps) for RT-cloud
- Deterministic hypervisors and cloud execution environments, including containers and WASM
- Real-time Saas, Paas, Iaas, and XaaS (anything as a service model)
- Execution and deployment models for RT-Cloud, including serverless computing
- Microservices Architectures for real-time system
- Modeling of network and cloud, execution stacks, and applications
- Adaptive SLAs for RT-cloud

3. Resource management (including monitoring, scheduling) and orchestration for RT-cloud
-- Predictable orchestration and cloud operation
-- Tools and techniques for resource sharing and isolation
-- End-to-end resource management and scheduling in edge-cloud continuum
-- Co-scheduling of virtual network and compute resources
-- Edge-cloud-IoT continuum and interaction/interfacing
-- QoS mechanisms and isolation guarantees
-- Autonomous monitoring systems

4. Safety and Security for RT-cloud
- Assurance in RT-cloud, deterministic scaling, fail-over, migration, etc.
- Trusted RT-Cloud/edge environment
-- Considering security and privacy together with safety


(Final extended) Submission deadline: May 16, 2024 (AoE)
Notification of Acceptance: June 6, 2024
RT-Cloud Workshop: July 9, 2024
ECRTS 2024: July 9-12, 2024


Manuscripts must present original work. They must be written in English, using the IEEE format, and submitted through easychair. There are no strict rules about the number of pages, but the recommended length for full papers is 6 to 8 pages, and for short papers is 3-4 pages.

Submission link:

All submissions will be reviewed by the technical program committee members, and accepted papers will be included in the workshop proceedings, which will be available online on the workshop website. Papers will not be assigned a DOI to enable authors to submit a full/extended paper later on to a conference or a journal. For every accepted paper, at least one author is expected to register for the workshop and present the paper.


- Johan Eker (Lund University/Ericsson)
- Luca Abeni (Scuola Superiore Sant'Anna)
- Gautam Gala (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)
contact for general questions regarding the workshop:


- Gerhard Fohler (University of Kaiserslautern-Landau)
- Tommaso Cucinotta (Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna)
- Schahram Dustdar (Technical University of Vienna)
- Paul Pop (Technical University of Denmark)
- Daniel Bristot de Oliveira (Red Hat)
- Dario Faggioli (Suse)

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