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SVWR 2024 : The 2nd Symposium on Virtual Worlds Research


When May 30, 2024 - May 30, 2024
Where Staffordshire University
Submission Deadline TBD

Call For Papers


The 2nd Symposium on Virtual Worlds Research (SVWR 2024)
Thursday, 30th of May 2024 | Staffordshire University, Stoke-on-Trent, United Kingdom

Virtual World Symposium aims at providing a collective update on the current state of Immersive Virtual Technologies across multiple disciplines. This is ranging from Games and Entertainment to Digital Heritage and Product Visualization, but not limited to. The Symposium’s goal is to provide an opportunity for knowledge sharing between these communities, discussing the Emerging Media and Transformation of the Creative Industries.

The Symposium invites speakers from various sectors to present their current or previous research in form of a 20-minute talk/presentation including a 10-minute Q&A

Additionally, the speakers have an opportunity to submit an extended version of their talks in form a research paper. SVWR 2024 seeks high-quality original papers in all relevant areas of Virtual/Augmented/Mixed Reality (VR/AR/MR), including digitization of real-world objects, human interaction, 3D user interface, applications of immersive technologies across various industries such as entertainment, education, culture, production, etc.

The event is hosted by the Staffordshire University Games Institute, and will take place on the 30th of May Thursday, 2024, from 9:00 to 17:00 in the Gallery, Catalyst Building, Staffordshire University.

Join this event for creative talks and knowledge sharing opportunities. The Symposium speakers are invited from various fields and will provide you with the current state and upcoming updates in their respective fields.


April 26 Friday, 2024: Speaker’s bio and a brief description of the talk (Max 200 words)
May 30 Thursday, 2024: Delivering the talk (20 minutes + 10 minutes Q&A)


Please send your bio and the description of your talk to Dr Human Esmaeili by email


SVWR 2024 seeks contributions in VR/AR/MR including, but not limited, the following areas:
•Digitization and visualization of real-world objects
•Human interaction
•3D and immersive user interface including touch, tangible, and gesture
•Applications of immersive technologies across various industries
•Immersive entertainment
•Applications of VR/AR/MR in education
•Digital heritage and virtual preservation of culture
•Immersive real-time technologies
•Immersive tabletop and roleplay games design
•Virtual production
•Healthcare & wellbeing
•Telepresence and teleportation
•Immersive 3D worlds mixed with 360° videos
•Usability of immersive technologies
•VR/AR/MR and the future lifestyle


Research papers should provide contributions covering one or more of the following areas:
•Methodological: should describe advances in methods and theories of VR/AR/MR. This can include areas such as human factors, theories on presence, ethical issues, etc., covered in their research.

•Application: Describing how the authors expand the existing ideas and apply them to solve a VR/AR/MR problem through their unique approaches.

•Technical: Describing technological advancement in VR/AR/MR such as user interaction, input, etc., explored by the researchers.

•System: Describing how they have developed effective systems by implementing relevant VR/AR/MR technologies and techniques.
The papers should provide an evaluation of contributions made. This could include benchmarking, user studies, or comparison with existing techniques, methods, and systems.


The information related to paper submission will be confirmed and updated. Therefore, the dates below may be subject to change.


July 26 Friday, 2024: Full Paper Submission
September 27 Friday, 2024: Acceptance Notification + Reviewer’s Feedback
October 25 Friday, 2024: Revised Submission


Submission information will be updated.

For more information please contact Dr Human Esmaeili:

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