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LATINCOM 2024 : 16th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications


When Nov 6, 2024 - Nov 8, 2024
Where Medelin, Colombia
Submission Deadline Aug 5, 2024
Notification Due Sep 6, 2024
Final Version Due Oct 7, 2024
Categories    networking   communication services   mobile networks   next-generation networking

Call For Papers


16th IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications

November 6 - 8, 2024
Medellín, Colombia

Paper submission deadline (FIRM): 5 August 2024
Notification of acceptance: 6 September 2024
Camera-ready papers: 7 October 2024
Authors registration deadline: 29 September 2024

The IEEE Latin-American Conference on Communications, LATINCOM, will be held in
Medellin, Colombia, from November 6th to 8th 2024, at the University Research
Headquarters (SIU by its acronym in Spanish) of Universidad de Antioquia.

The IEEE LATINCOM is an international conference organized by the IEEE
Communications Society (ComSoc) Latin America Region. IEEE LATINCOM is the most
important conference on communications in Latin America; it is held annually and
attracts submissions and participants from all around the world.

LATINCOM 2024 will include original full-paper presentations and tutorial
sessions. It will also include Keynote Speeches presented by top researchers,
industry panel sessions and complementary activities that will be of high
interest to the attendees.

Accepted and presented papers will be published in the IEEE LATINCOM 2024
Conference Proceedings and submitted to IEEE Xplore as well as other
Abstracting and Indexing (A&I) databases.

Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:

Mobile and Wireless Networking

* Cellular systems, 4G/5G/B5G/6G
* Cognitive radio networks
* Device-to-device/machine-to-machine communications
* Green wireless networks
* Large-scale LEO satellite networking
* Opportunistic wireless networks
* Pervasive and wearable computing and networking
* Reconfigurable wireless networks
* Software-defined wireless networks
* Underwater wireless networks
* Vehicular networks
* Wireless network virtualization
* Wireless multimedia networks
* WLAN, WPAN, and other home/personal networking technologies
* Wireless networking techniques based on AI

Communication Services, Software and Multimedia Applications

* Cooperative networking for streaming media content
* E-health, E-governance, E-agriculture, etc.
* High quality service provisioning for multimedia applications
* Location-based services
* ML techniques for video delivery and service
* ML techniques for multimedia content analysis
* Multimedia cloud, streaming, multicast and broadcast services
* Multimedia fog/edge computing and communication
* QoE and QoS
* Quality-oriented routing algorithms
* Real time communication services
* Service orchestration and management
* Service security and privacy
* Triple and quadruple play services

Communication QoS, Reliability and Performance Modeling

* Networks and communication systems modeling and performance evaluation
* Reliability of systems and networks
* Traffic measurement, modeling, visualization, and engineering
* Security and trust in network design
* Integration aspects in IoT and Big Data systems
* Design of cloud, edge and other distributed computing networks
* QoS and network efficiency

Optical Networks

* AI, ML and data analytics for optical systems and networks
* Elastic, flexible rate and flexi-grid optical networks
* Free-space optical networks
* Optical network control and management
* Optical network survivability and availability
* Optical and wireless convergence
* Routing and spectrum assignment for optical networks
* Software defined optical networks
* Ultraviolet communications and networks
* Underwater optical communications
* Virtualization and slicing in optical networks
* Visible light communications

Communications Theory & Signal Processing

* Communication theory of ad-hoc and sensor networks
* Communication theory of distributed and edge computing
* Communication theory of networks and cross-layer design
* Multi-antenna, multi-user and multi-node systems
* Radio communications
* Satellite & space communications
* Signal processing for all aspects of communications and networking
* Theoretical aspects of blockchain and ML in networks

Next-generation Networking and Internet

* 5G/B5G/6G architecture
* Blockchain in next generation communications and networks
* Content-centric networking
* Centralized-RAN and Cloud-RAN architectures
* Future Internet and next-generation networking architectures
* High speed architectures for next generation routers/switches
* Management of service-oriented control plane in 5G/B5G
* Network functions virtualization
* Next-generation access networks
* Next-generation IP multimedia subsystem
* Next-generation network management and control
* Parallel architectures for next generation routers/switches
* Software-defined networking

AI, Big Data and ML for Networking

* AI and ML for network slicing, virtualization, and network management
* Big data for all aspects of communications and networking
* Cloud and network data analytics, modeling and visualization
* Cooperative learning for software-defined and virtualized networks
* Data analytics for QoS and traffic classification
* Data analytics for faults and root-cause analysis
* Data-driven network management
* ML based distributed training and learning over-the-air
* Operational analytics and intelligence
* Predictive analytics and real-time analytics

Selected Areas in Communications

* Blockchain in communications and networks
* Cloud, fog and edge computing
* Internet-of-Things and Internet-of-everything
* New Space applications
* Smart cities and urban computing
* Smart grid communications
* Social networks, crowdsourcing, and crowdsensing
* Tactile Internet
* Carbon-aware networking

Paper Submission
Authors are invited to submit present original, unpublished research or
experiences. Papers under review elsewhere must not be submitted to the
conference. Maximum 6 pages are allowed for each paper, including all
illustrations and references.

Paper must be written in English, unpublished and not being considered in
other conferences or journals. Full papers must be formatted as the standard
IEEE double-column conference template and submitted in PDF via JEMS submission
system (

Manuscript templates are available at:

Technical Program Co-Chairs
George Rouskas (North Carolina State University, USA)
Juan Felipe Botero Vega (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)

General Co-Chairs
Natalia Gaviria Gómez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)
Sergio Armando Gutiérrez (Universidad de Antioquia, Colombia)

Steering Committee
Stefano Bregni, Politecnico di Milano, Italy
Nelson Fonseca, Universidade de Campinas, Brazil
Carlos Lozano Garzon, Universidad de los Andes, Colombia
Jose-David Cely, Universidad Distrital Francisco José de Caldas, Colombia
Lisandro Zambenedetti Granville, Universidade Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brazil
Carlos A. Gutierrez, Universidad Autónoma de San Luis Potosí, Mexico
Marco To De Leon, Universidad Galileo, Guatemala
Miguel Elias Campista, Universidade Federal do Rio de Janeiro, Brazil


Related Resources

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ICAIT 2025   2025 IEEE 17th International Conference on Advanced Infocomm Technology (ICAIT 2025)
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IJNGN 2025   International Journal of Next - Generation Networks
LAJC 2025   Latin-American Journal of Computing
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