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MLBriefs 2024 : 4th IPOL — MLBriefs workshop of Reproducible Research


When May 27, 2024 - May 31, 2024
Where Gif-sur-Yvette (Paris suburbs), France
Submission Deadline Mar 16, 2024
Notification Due Mar 16, 2024
Categories    computer science   artificial intelligence   machine learning   image processing

Call For Papers

In many fields of applied mathematics and computer science (computer vision, machine learning, image/signal processing, …), new methods and applications are appearing at a vertiginous pace, to the point it is hard to keep up with all new methods. Yet, being able to understand and try these methods oneself is crucial for research.

To bridge this gap and promote reproducible research, during the IPOL MLBriefs workshop we will help you use the IPOL journal and demo system to create and publish an online demo of a method with a companion technical article describing the method, experimentally highlighting its use cases and limitations, and providing new insight onto the method.

This workshop will be also be a great opportunity to meet fellow researchers and attend plenary talks from invited speakers.

The workshop will be held between May 27th and May 31st 2024.

Registration is free but mandatory. Check the website ( to register.

Contrary to many workshops, you are invited to prepare your submission during the workshop. You will be given time to submit the paper after the workshop ends. It is not expected that you submit the paper before the workshop starts.

Submissions consist of an online demo of a method, with a paper describing and analysing the method. Starting from a working code, you will be taught how to create a demo during the workshop. The companion paper describes the method and experiments on it.
IPOL and MLBriefs publications usually act as companions to more traditional publications. It is allowed, and even encouraged, to submit an article covering an already-published method. Please check our authorship and double submission policy below for more information.

Areas of submission are broad; the IPOL journal mainly focuses on (but is not limited to):

* Image and video processing
* Computer vision
* Machine learning
* Signal processing
* Artificial intelligence

Check the website ( for more details.

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