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RTCSA 2024 : 30th IEEE International Conference on Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications


Conference Series : Embedded and Real-Time Computing Systems and Applications
When Aug 21, 2024 - Aug 23, 2024
Where Sokcho, South Korea
Abstract Registration Due Apr 12, 2024
Submission Deadline Apr 19, 2024
Notification Due May 22, 2024
Final Version Due Jun 7, 2024
Categories    real-time systems   cyber-physical systems   embedded systems   internet of things

Call For Papers

* About the Conference:

The RTCSA conference (now in its 30th edition) serves as a pivotal platform for experts from both academia and industry, fostering advancements in technology and theory for time-sensitive applications. The conference’s scope encompasses all applications where temporal aspects need to be considered. CPS, (Industrial) IoT, embedded systems, fog/edge/cloud computing are just notable examples.

RTCSA is especially open to new and emerging topics. Such topics may include the application of machine learning in designing and analyzing embedded and real-time systems, strategies for achieving real-time machine learning, resource management in autonomous systems, etc. RTCSA welcomes both research and industrial papers that describe research or technical aspects in the area of embedded and real-time systems. Please find the topics of interest below.

* Topics of Interest:

The 30th edition of RTCSA will bring together researchers and developers from academia and industry to promote cross-fertilization and discuss advances and trends in the technology of embedded and real-time systems and their emerging applications, including the Internet of Things and Cyber-Physical Systems. RTCSA 2024 seeks papers that describe original research in the following areas, but are not limited to:

- Real-Time Scheduling
- Workload models for real-time systems
- Temperature/Energy-aware Scheduling
- Scheduling over heterogeneous architectures
- Scheduling over distributed architectures
- Timing Analysis
- Formal methods for temporal guarantees
- Programming Languages and Run-Time Systems
- Middleware Systems
- Communication Networks and Protocols of Real-Time Systems
- Time-Sensitive Media Processing and Transmissions
- Latency and throughput in Real-Time Databases

- Systems, Technology and Foundations of IoT and CPS
- Applications and Case Studies of IoT and CPS
- Smart and Connected Health
- Industrial Internet and Industry 4.0
- Smart City Technology and Applications
- Smart Transportation and Infrastructure
- Cyber-Physical Co-Design
- Medical CPS
- Cloud, Middleware and Networks for IoT and CPS
- Wireless Sensor-Actuator Networks for IoT and CPS
- CPS Software/System Engineering

- Multi-Core Embedded Systems
- Operating Systems
- Non-Volatile Memory and Storage
- Power/Thermal Aware Design
- Fault Tolerance and Security
- Sensor-based Systems and Applications
- Reconfigurable Computing Architectures and Software Support
- Ubiquitous and Distributed Embedded Systems and Networks
- Embedded Systems for Machine-Learning

* Submission Requirements:

Both research and industry papers are solicited. The submitted manuscript must describe original work not previously published and not concurrently submitted elsewhere. Abstract submission is a prerequisite for full paper submission. We welcome high quality papers, adhering to the following two formats:

- Full Paper format: paper must fit within 10 pages
- Short Paper format: paper must fit within 6 pages

Both types of submission must be formatted according to the IEEE conference proceedings format (two-columns, single-space, 10pt) and must include references and acknowledgments within the page limit.

In some cases, the Program Committee may decide to accept a full paper submission as a short paper, in which case, the authors will be required to reduce its length for the final version. Conference content will be published by the IEEE Computer Society on IEEExplore and will be indexed by most search engines including Scopus, Web of Science, DBLP.

By submitting a paper, authors implicitly agree that at least one author will register at full registration rate to the conference and present the paper in person.

Related Resources

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ACM SAC 2025   40th ACM/SIGAPP Symposium On Applied Computing
BDML 2025   6th International Conference on Big Data and Machine Learning
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IEEE ACIRS 2025   IEEE--2025 10th Asia-Pacific Conference on Intelligent Robot Systems (ACIRS 2025)
IEEE BDAI 2025   IEEE--2025 the 8th International Conference on Big Data and Artificial Intelligence (BDAI 2025)
Ei/Scopus-CCRIS 2025   2025 IEEE 6th International Conference on Control, Robotics and Intelligent System (CCRIS 2025)
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