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CompAuto 2025 : 2025 4th International Conference on Computers and Automation (CompAuto 2025)


When Jul 9, 2025 - Jul 11, 2025
Where Milan, Italy
Submission Deadline Feb 20, 2025
Categories    computing   computer engineering   artificial intelligence   automation

Call For Papers

★★ CompAuto 2025--Scopus, EI Compendex★★

★Full Name: 2025 4th International Conference on Computers and Automation (CompAuto 2025)
★Abbreviation: CompAuto 2025
★Date: July 9th-11th, 2025
★Venue: Milan, Italy

★Conference Committee★
**International Advisory Committees
Prof. Witold Pedrycz, University of Alberta, Canada
Prof. Shichun Yang, Beihang University, China
Prof. A. Enis Cetin, University of Illinois Chicago, USA
Prof. Rajkumar Buyya, The University of Melbourne, Australia
Prof. Subhas Mukhopadhyay, Macquarie University, Australia
Prof. Zhibin Jiang, Shanghai Jiao Tong University, China
**Conference Chair
Prof. Hamid Reza Karimi, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
**Conference Co-Chair
Prof. Mohammed CHADLI, University Paris-Saclay, IBISC Lab. UEVE, France
**Program Chairs
Prof. Josep Maria Rossell Garriga, Universitat Politècnica de Catalunya (UPC), Spain
Prof. Radislav Smid, Czech Technical University in Prague, Czech Republic
Prof. Francesco Ripamonti, Polytechnic University of Milan, Italy
Prof. Kalyana C. Veluvolu, Kyungpook National University, Daegu, Korea
**Program Co-Chairs
Prof. Parameshachari B. D, Nitte Meenakshi Institute of Technology, India
Assoc. Prof. Meysar Zeinali, Laurentian University, Canada
Dr. Muhamamd Asif Khan, Qatar University, Qatar
**Publicity Chairs
Prof. Mehdi Rakhtala, University of the West of Englnad, UK
Assoc. Prof. Alaa Sheta, Southern Connecticut State University, USA
Assoc. Prof. Zhiyu Jiang, Northwestern Polytechnical University, China
Dr. Peng Mei, University of Genoa, Italy
**Publication Chair
Prof. Rongni Yang, Shandong University, China

★Call for Papers★
Track 1: AI, Agent Systems and Ambient Intelligence
Machine learning (deep learning, reinforcement learning, statistical learning, etc.)
Cognitive computing / bio-inspired ai
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Problem solving/search/ planning
Multi agent systems
Track 2: Intelligent Control Systems and Optimization
Machine learning (deep learning, reinforcement learning, statistical learning, etc.)
Cognitive computing / bio-inspired ai
Knowledge representation and reasoning
Problem solving/search/ planning
Multi agent systems
Track 3: Robotics and Automation
Image processing
Vision, recognition and reconstruction
Robot design, development and control
Control and supervision systems
Telerobotics and teleoperation
Track 4: Signal Processing, Sensors, Systems Modelling and Control
Adaptive signal processing and control
Environmental monitoring and control
Optimization problems in signal processing
Signal reconstruction
System identification
Track 5: Electronics and power systems
Wireless communications and networks
Wireless sensor networks
Green communications
Next-generation communication systems
Security in communication systems
Track 6: Databases and Information Systems
Ontologies and data semantics
Conceptual data modeling
Business intelligence & analytics
Data visualization & exploration
Data mining and knowledge discovery from databases
Track 7: Multimedia, Computer Vision and Image Processing
Multimedia indexing, search, retrieval and browsing on the web
Multimedia content analysis and understanding
Advanced descriptors and similarity metrics for multimedia
Multimedia communication, networking and mobility
Multimedia vision, security, content protection and forensics
Track 8: Parallel and Distributed Systems
Cloud computing system & architectures
Edge/fog computing system & architectures
Storage and data architectures
Hybrid-clouds and multi-clouds integration
Distributed and parallel query processing
Track 9: Data Science
Data mining
Machine learning and statistics
Modeling and forecasting
Dataset retrieval and search
Data cleaning
Track 10: Software Engineering
Cloud computing, microservices, and containerization management and deployment
Continuous integration and delivery
Distributed and collaborative software engineering
Economic aspects of software engineering
Track 11: Natural Language Processing and Applications
Natural language processing
Natural language applications
Dialog and interactive systems
Restructuring and browsing in big documents
Automatic big text summary generation
More Topics, please visit at

★ Publication★
Papers submitted to CompAuto 2025 will be reviewed by technical committees of the conference.
All accepted full papers will be published in CompAuto 2025 Conference Proceedings, which will be indexed by EI compendex and Scopus.

1. Full Paper (Publication and Presentation)
2. Abstract (Presentation Only)

Electronic Submission System:
Any question, please contact:
More details about submission, please visit at

★★Conference Schedule★★
Day 1- July 9th, 2025 | Sign in and Collect Conference Materials
Day 2- July 10th, 2025 | Welcome Remarks & Keynote Speeches & Plenary Speeches & Parallel Sessions
Day 3- July 11th, 2025 | Lab Visiting / One Day Tour (pending)

★Contact Us★
Ms. Lorraine (Conference Secretary)
(Office Time: 10:30 - 16:00, Monday - Friday)

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