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GAME-ON®' 2024 : GAME-ON'2024, 25th Annual Simulation & AI in Games Conference | |||||||||||||||
Link: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/index.html | |||||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||||
FIRST CALL FOR PAPERS GAME-ON®'2024 The 25th annual Simulation and AI in Games Conference Bahçesehir University (https://bau.edu.tr/) Istanbul, Turkey September 9-11, 2024 Organised by The European Technology Institute and Bahçesehir University Sponsored by EUROSIS AREA42 KU Leuven BIOTEC University of Skovde University of Žilina and GODAN For latest information see: www.eurosis.org or https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/index.html CONFERENCE AIM The aim of the 25TH annual European GAME-ON® Conference (GAME-ON®'2024) on Simulation and AI in Computer Games, is to bring together researchers and game developers in order to exchange ideas on programming and programming techniques, which will be beneficial to the gaming industry and academia. Secondly it aims to steer young people into this industry by providing how-to tutorials and giving them the opportunity to show their ideas and demos to the gaming industry. The conference will concentrate mostly on the programming of games, with special emphasis on simulation, AI and fuzzy sets, and physics related computer graphics. Next to that, all of this will be fused in the topic of computer game design in stand-alone and networked games. Software providers will be able to show their latest packages and give hand-on tutorials for the participants. Companies will also have the opportunity to seek new talent at this unique event. GAME-ON®'2024 consists of five core tracks (Game Design, Game Play and Game Applications) subdivided into a number of suptopics, which cover, Gaming Methodology, Game Theory, Gamification, Artificial Intelligence and Simulation, Game design linked topics, like 3-D scalability, facial and skeletal animation, 3D in-game animation etc, Mobile Gaming and Gaming Applications such as Serious games and Gamification in different sectors; Organizational issues when implementing games; Designing games for learning; Technologies, tools and platforms for developing games for learning; Games to teach arts, science, or business; Social and collaborative aspects of game-based learning; Multi-modal aspects of game-based learning (e.g. audio, augmented reality, virtual reality, etc); Motivational aspects of game-based learning, Board Games, Deep Learning Evolutionary (Genetic) approaches combined with Deep Learning. Procedural Generation, Real-Time Ray-Tracing (RTRT), Real-Time Path-Tracing (RTPT), Hybrid Rendering and Mesh Shaders, KEYNOTES AND INVITED SPEAKERS Keynotes and invited speakers will be posted here shortly: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/keynote.html Keynotes and invited speakers can be proposed till February 15, 2024 WORKSHOPS XR for Social Impact by Lecturer Oytun Kal from Digital Game Design Department, Bahçesehir University, Türkiye Design Pillars for VR Games by Lecturer Zafer Masalci from Digital Game Design Department, Bahçesehir University, Türkiye Other workshops can be proposed till February 15 ,2024 For more info will be available on the workshops page at a later date see: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/workshops.html TUTORIALS T2 - From A Community Center to a Game Education Sandbox Dr.Güven Çatak, Digital Game Design Department, Bahçesehir University, Türkiye T1 - Dungeons and Dragons in the Classroom: Teaching Narrative Design Dr. Barbaros Bostan, Digital Game Design Department, Bahçesehir University, Türkiye Other tutorials can be proposed till February 15, 2024 For more info will be available on the tutorials page at a later date see: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/tutorials.html EXHIBITION Board Games and Digital Games Showreel, by Dr. Ertugrul Süngü and Lecturer Zafer Masalci from Digital Game Design Department, Bahçesehir University, Türkiye 6th floor of the Faculty of Communication (the same building where the conference takes place) Other Exhibitors can contact me on philippe.geril@eurosis.org For more info will be available on the exhibition page at a later date see: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/exhibition.html PAPER SUBMISSIONS All submissions will be peer reviewed by at least three members of the International Program Committee. Accepted papers will be published in the conference Proceedings (both print and electronic format), that will be copyrighted and widely disseminated. CONFERENCE THEMES Contributions to the technical program are solicited in the following general areas; - Games Development Methodology - Game Theory/Multi-Agent Systems - Gamification and Social Game Mechanics - Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning - Learning, Adaptation and Procedural Generation - Intelligent/Knowledgeable Agents - Collaboration & Multi-agent Systems - Opponent Modelling - Physics and Simulation/Graphical Simulation - 3D Scalability - Facial, Avatar, NPC, 3D in Game Animation - Modelling of Virtual Worlds - AI and Simulation Tools for games design - Game Design - Rendering Techniques, RTRT, RTPT - Cognitive Psychology - Affective Computing and Emotional Gaming - Voice Interaction - Artistic input to game and character design - Storytelling and Natural Language Processing - Online Gaming - Security Issues in Online Gaming - MMOG's - Serious games and Gamification - Wargaming Aerospace Simulations, Board Games etc... - Games for training - Games Applications in education, Government, health, Corporate - Games Consoles - Games Console Design - Mobile Gaming and VR Gaming - Perceptual User Interfaces for Games More can be suggested. Such as game e-applications: i.e. e-war, e-health, robots, or smart-cities For more details on the topics please go to: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/themes.html POSTER SESSION The poster session only features work in progress. Next to the actual poster presentation, these submissions also feature as short papers in the Proceedings. STUDENTS SESSION This session is for students who want to present their work in progress or part of their doctoral thesis as a paper. Student papers are denoted by the fact that only the name of the student appears on the paper as an author. They are published as short papers in the Proceedings. DIVERSE ACTIVITIES For demonstrations, tutorials or video sessions, please contact EUROSIS. Partners for projects session(s) will be organised by EUROSIS to give potential project teams or individuals the opportunity to present their research in order to link up with fellow researchers for future research projects. Those wishing to participate in this session need to send a proposal to EUROSIS. DEADLINES AND REQUIREMENTS Send all submissions in an ELECTRONIC FORM ONLY in (zipped) Microsoft Word format, or PDF format (preferred format) indicating the designated track and type of submission (8 -5 or 3 page paper) to the EUROSIS office (Philippe.Geril@eurosis.org). Please provide your name, affiliation, full mailing address, telephone number and Email address on all submissions as well. For submissions please put in the subject of your Email the following indications: GAME-ON'2024 and designated track or USE THE ONLINE SUBMISSION FORM by the required deadlines (see below) https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/email-reply.html Only original papers, which have not been published elsewhere, will be accepted for publication Journal Publication and indexing Only accepted and presented extended papers are eligible for journal publication. All GAME-ON Proceedings are submitted to ISI Web of Knowledge, IET, SCOPUS and Elsevier Engineering Village for referencing. ON-SITE AUTHOR AND NON-AUTHOR REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees Authors EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before July 24, 2024 € 540 € 540 € 595 Registration after July 24, 2024 Pre-registration required € 575 € 615 OFF-SITE AUTHORS AND NON-AUTHORS ELECTRONIC PARTICIPATION FEES Registration Fees Authors EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before July 24, 2024 € 400 € 220 € 260 Registration after July 24, 2024 Pre-registration required € 230 € 295 ON-SITE STUDENT AUTHOR AND NON-AUTHOR REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees Authors EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before July 24, 2024 € 435 € 420 € 445 Registration after July 24, 2024 Pre-registration required € 475 € 500 OFF-SITE STUDENT AUTHOR AND NON-AUTHOR REGISTRATION FEES Registration Fees Authors EUROSIS members Other Participants Pre-registration before July 24, 2024 € 355 € 200 € 220 Registration after July 24, 2024 Pre-registration required € 205 € 230 Master Students of Bahçesehir University can attend the conference sessions for free.(excluding coffee breaks, lunches, dinner, printed/electronic copy of the proceedings) The onsite author registration fee includes one printed copy of the Conference Proceedings, conference materials, coffee and tea during the breaks, all lunches, a conference dinner and possible conference visit. The offsite author registration fee includes one electronic copy of the Conference Proceedings and other conference materials. PAPER SUBMISSION TYPES EXTENDED PAPER 8 (eight) pages, single spaced, double column, including abstract, conclusions, diagrams, references. During review, the submitted 8 PAGE EXTENDED papers can be accepted either as a regular 5 page paper or if excellent, full 8 page papers can be accepted by the program committee as an extended (8-page) paper for the conference proceedings. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the GAME-ON®'2024 International Program Committee. Only accepted extended 8 page papers are published in The Journal New Trends in Computer Sciences. (https://journals.vilniustech.lt/index.php/NTCS) FULL PAPER At least 5 (five) pages, single spaced, double column. Participants may also submit a 5 page paper for a regular (5 pages).During review, the submitted 5 PAGE FULL papers can be accepted either as regular 5 page papers or if excellent, full 5 page papers can be accepted by the program committee as extended (8-page) papers for the conference proceedings. Each submission will be reviewed by at least three members of the GAME-ON®'2024 International Program Committee SHORT PAPER At least 3-4 (three-four) pages, single space, double column. Participants may also submit a 3 page short paper. During review, the submitted 3-4 PAGE papers can be accepted either as a short 3 page paper or poster. or if excellent, 3 page papers can be accepted by the program committee as full five (5-page) papers for the conference proceedings.by the International Program Committee. All accepted papers will be published in the GAME-ON®'2024 Conference Proceedings. ONE AND TWO PAGE PAPER SUBMISSIONS ARE NOT ACCEPTED. CORRESPONDENCE ADDRESS Philippe Geril EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Torhoutsesteenweg 162 B04.02 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: OO32.473.231.297 Email: philippe.geril@eurosis.org OUTSTANDING PAPER AWARD The 2024 GAME-ON Conference Committee will select the Outstanding Paper of the Conference. The author of this paper will be awarded a free registration for a EUROSIS conference. Only papers ACCEPTED AS FULL 8 page EXTENDED papers will be eligible for the Outstanding Paper Award. The free registration is valid for 2 years after the event LANGUAGE The official conference language for all papers and presentations is English IMPORTANT DEADLINES EARLY BIRD SUBMISSION DEADLINE: MARCH 25TH, 2024 SUBMISSION DEADLINE: APRIL 22ND, 2024 LATE SUBMISSION DEADLINE: MAY 6TH, 2024 NOTIFICATION OF ACCEPTANCE OR REJECTION: BEFORE JUNE 24TH, 2024 Authors provide camera-ready manuscript: JULY 24TH, 2024 Conference at Bahçesehir University, Istanbul, Turkey, SEPTEMBER 9-11, 2024 VENUE The conference will be held at the Bahçesehir University Faculty of Communication, Galata Campus Müeyyetzade Mahallesi, Kemeralti Caddesi, Karaoglan Sokagi No: 24/a, Galata/Karaköy, (https://bau.edu.tr/) Istanbul Turkey https://bau.edu.tr/galeri/157-bau-galata-kampusu for more info see (to be updated): https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/venue.html HOTELS A number of hotels have been selected for the participants: The Haze Karaköy, within walking distance of the university Address: Kemankes Karamustafa Pasa, Necatibey Cd. No:36, 34425 Beyoglu/Istanbul https://www.thehazeistanbul.com/ Opale Hotel, within walking distance of the university Address: Müeyyedzade, Maliye Cd. No:1/1, 34425 Beyoglu/Istanbul https://opalehotel.com/ Anemon Galata, within walking distance of the university Address: Bereketzade, Mahallesi, Büyük Hendek Cd. No:5, 34421 Beyoglu/Istanbul https://anemonhotels.com/hotel/anemon-galata/?lang=en Overview info will be posted here: https://www.eurosis.org/conf/gameon/2024/hotel.html CONFERENCE VISIT: As part of the social programme a visit is envisaged to Istanbul Modern. https://www.istanbulmodern.org/en REPLY CARD First Name: Surname: Occupation and/or Title: Affiliation: Mailing Address Zip code: City: Country. Telephone: Fax: E-Mail: Yes, I intend to attend the GAME-ON® 2024: [ ] Presenting a paper, by submitting a full paper [ ] Presenting a short paper (by submitting an extended abstract) [ ] Participating in the industrial program [ ] Organizing a vendor session [ ] Proposing a panel discussion (please mention names of panellists) [ ] Contributing to the exhibition [ ] Without presenting a paper The provisional title of my paper / exhibited tool is: With the following highlights: The paper belongs to the category (please tick only one): [ ] Games Development Methodology [ ] Game Theory/Multi-Agent Systems [ ] Gamification and Social Game Mechanics [ ] Artificial Intelligence and Deep Learning [ ] Learning, Adaptation and Procedural Generation [ ] Intelligent/Knowledgeable Agents [ ] Collaboration & Multi-agent Systems [ ] Opponent Modelling [ ] Physics and Simulation/Graphical Simulation [ ] 3D Scalability [ ] Facial, Avatar, NPC, 3D in Game Animation [ ] Modelling of Virtual Worlds [ ] AI and Simulation Tools for games design [ ] Game Design [ ] Rendering Techniques, RTRT, RTPT [ ] Cognitive Psychology [ ] Affective Computing and Emotional Gaming [ ] Voice Interaction [ ] Artistic input to game and character design [ ] Storytelling and Natural Language Processing [ ] Online Gaming - Security Issues in Online Gaming [ ] MMOG's [ ] Serious games and Gamification [ ] Wargaming Aerospace Simulations, Board Games etc... [ ] Games for training [ ] Games Applications in Education, Government, Health, Corporate [ ] Games Consoles [ ] Games Console Design [ ] Mobile Gaming and VR Gaming [ ] Perceptual User Interfaces for Games [ ] Poster Session [ ] Student Session [ ] Tutorials [ ] Exhibition Other colleague(s) interested in the topics of the conference is/are: Name: Address: Name: Address: Please email this form immediately to: Philippe Geril EUROSIS-ETI European Simulation Office Torhoutsesteenweg 162 B 04.02 B-8400 Ostend Belgium Tel: OO32.59.255330 philippe.geril@eurosis.org GAME-ON® is a registered trademark of ETI Bv (The European Technology Institute)nr 1061384-761314 |