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Denazification 2024 : Eradicating Nazism


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Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    denazification   germany   constitution   law

Call For Papers

Nazism, which becomes a political ideology, ends with the execution of its organizers: this lesson of the Nuremberg Tribunal has not been learned by the current ideologists of German, Ukrainian, Russian, Armenian, Kazakh, and other kinds of Nazism. In addition to being punishable in the legal sense, Nazism must be eradicated because of its morbidity, defined as schizophrenic psychosis.

The neglect of the duty to timely identify and suppress Nazism makes citizens engaged in all official and professional activities its accomplices, and they are therefore also subject to punishment, primarily through disqualification and deprivation of their powers and, in cases of manifest complicity, to judgment equally with Nazis.

I have found cases of apparent complicity or adherence to Nazism in a number of political entities that call themselves independent states and are also members of international organizations, including the United Nations, which makes the legitimacy of their existence questionable, and which has led me to place some of them on the list of prohibited organizations, to declare their sovereignty and the legal capacity of their populations revoked, to initiate investigations against citizens suspected of having committed serious crimes, and to sentence those of them whose guilt has been proven to death in accordance with the valid law.

There is no doubt that the process of legal definition of crimes, committed in recent times by adherents and accomplices of Nazism, will be completed with their punishment and restoration of the law which they tried to destroy collectively, that is an aggravating circumstance in process of legal definition of crimes committed by them. The strongholds of Nazism, wherever they exist now, will be destroyed, and on their place the order will be established, the bases of which are laid down by the Constitution of community Rus’.

Dr. Andrej Poleev
Berlin, 8.09.2023

Execution order.

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