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CMOS 2024 : International Conference of Computational Modeling, Optimization & Simulation


When Apr 27, 2024 - Apr 28, 2024
Where IIMT, Bhubaneswar, Odisha, India
Submission Deadline Jan 14, 2024
Notification Due Feb 26, 2024
Final Version Due Mar 16, 2024
Categories    modeling and simulation   optimization   algorithm and tool

Call For Papers

Computational modeling, optimization and Simulation have become an important paradigm in contemporary engineering and science. In almost all applications in engineering and industry, we are always trying to optimize something, whether to minimize cost and energy consumption, or to maximize profit, performance and efficiency. Due to limited resources and time constraints, optimization becomes critically important. Optimum use of available resources of any kind requires a paradigm shift in scientific thinking. This is because most real-world applications have complex factors and parameters affecting system behavior; subsequently, it is not always possible to find an optimal solution. In many cases, we have to settle for suboptimal solutions or even feasible solutions that are good enough and practically achievable on a reasonable time scale.
There are a number of challenges in applying numerical optimization to solve real-world problems in engineering, science, and industry. Problems can be caused by high non-linearity of the objective function and/or constraints, the scale of the problem itself, such as a large number of design variables, exponential growth of the size of the search space with the number of design parameters, presence of multiple local optima, non-fluency of objectives/constraints, presence of uncertainties, to name a few some. On the other hand, current engineering design is heavily based on computer simulations, which tend to be more and more time-consuming despite the increase in available computing power. The increasing cost of simulation is a source of additional optimization difficulties and creates a need to develop better (or smarter) algorithms that are able to provide satisfactory designs in a reasonable time frame. For this purpose, it is often necessary to use auxiliary models that incorporate certain knowledge about the system under consideration and are computationally inexpensive.
The main goal of CMOS-2024 is to provide a platform for local and international participants to exchange ideas and facilitate interaction among researchers through an International Conference, Special Sessions, and workshops. CMOS-2024 invites local/international researchers who are interested in exploring and sharing knowledge and skills relating to Computational Modeling, Optimization and simulation.

++Call for Papers++
CMOS-2024 solicits research papers describing significant and innovative research contributions in any area of computational modeling and optimization. Submissions on a wide range of research topics will be entertained. Topics of interest include, but are not limited to:
Modeling tools and languages----建模工具和语言
Modeling and simulation methods----建模和仿真方法
Vision and visualization technology----视觉和可视化技术
Perception issues in visualization and modeling----可视化和建模中的感知问题
Mathematical and numerical methods in simulation and modeling----模拟和建模中的数学和数值方法
Simulation algorithm----仿真算法
High performance computing and simulation----高性能计算和模拟
Pervasive Computing and Simulation----普适计算与模拟
Discrete and numerical simulation----离散和数值模拟
Combinatorial Optimization----组合优化
Network Optimization----网络优化
Multi-Criteria Optimization----多标准优化
Optimal Control----最优控制
Large Scale Optimization----大规模优化

Prospective authors are invited to submit full-length papers or abstracts (for oral presentations without publication) via the HCconf management system. Accepted papers and abstracts will be scheduled in lecture and poster sessions. All submissions will be sent to at least two reviewers for review.

The proceedings shall be published by IEEE cps, which will be submitted to Ei and Scopus for evaluation and index.

++Program and Schedule++
Participants should arrange their time properly according to the conference schedule. The detailed conference program which will be released about 15 days before the conference. The provisional program is as follows:

++Contact Us++
Conference Secretary: Ethan Lee
Tel.: +86-15668380225(微信)

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