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RATEI 2024 : RATE Issues CfP


When Oct 31, 2023 - Dec 31, 2023
Where Iasi, Romania
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    TEFL   tesol   english literature   linguistics

Call For Papers

RATE Issues addresses TEFL/TESOL professionals at elementary and high school level as well as university faculty and researchers. Articles can explore topics ranging from Anglophone literature and cultural studies to teaching English and linguistics.
Our ISSN-registered journal is free to access, free to submit articles to and no processing charges are imposed. It is indexed in international databases, including Index Copernicus International, DOAJ and Infobase, which means that articles published will appear there, can be quoted and seen by academics and professionals around the world.

Submitted articles are always checked for plagiarism online and in library databases and they are disqualified if they include unacknowledged text by others or paraphrased text without mention of the source. Routinely, two external reviewers are asked to blindly evaluate submitted articles (without knowing the author's identity) and suggest improvements. The review criteria according to which an article can be accepted, possibly with suggestions for improvement, or rejected can be downloaded here.

Submissions are expected by email at The deadline for the winter issue is December 31st, while submissions for the summer issue are to be received by August 15th.
Articles should follow the MLA format and include:

a detailed tile
an abstract of 70-150 words
a list of 5-7 keywords
a bibliography (where applicable)
biodata (50-100 words on your professional achievements to date)
a photograph of the author and other illustrations attached as separate image (.jpg) file.
Authors must mention their institutional affiliation next to their name. Article should contain between 1500 and 8000 words.

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