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HEART 2024 : 14th International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies


When Jun 19, 2024 - Jun 21, 2024
Where Porto, Portugal
Submission Deadline Apr 1, 2024
Notification Due May 3, 2024
Final Version Due May 20, 2024
Categories    fpga and gpu   efficient architectures   design methods and tools   heterogeneous hpc

Call For Papers


International Symposium on
Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies
June 19-21, 2024 @ Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto (FEUP), Porto, Portugal (in-person symposium)

HEART2024 is a forum to present and discuss new research on all aspects of accelerator technologies that improve the performance, power- or energy-efficiency of computing systems.
This year, the conference will be held in Porto, Portugal (Faculty of Engineering of the University of Porto - FEUP, Campus) in an in-person format.
The submission deadline is the following, and as in previous years, accepted papers will be published by the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will appear in the ACM digital library.

## Important Dates and Deadlines

- April 1, 2024, AoE: Submission extended deadline of regular papers
- May 3, 2024: Notification of regular papers
- May 20, 2024, AoE: Deadline for the camera-ready submission
- June 19-21, 2024: Conference dates

### Submission link:

## Main Research Track

Following HEART tradition, HEART’2024 will continue to focus on high efficiency as a cross-cutting issue and seeks contributions for the main research track in, but not limited to, the following areas:

### Architectures for Efficient Acceleration

- Novel systems/platforms based on FPGA, GPU, and other devices
- Heterogeneous processor architectures and systems for high-performance and/or low-power
- Domain-specific architectures

### Design Methods and Tools for Efficient Acceleration

- Programming paradigms, languages, and frameworks
- High-level synthesis and compilers
- Runtime methodologies for heterogeneous systems
- Performance evaluation and analysis

### Applications and Systems

- Application examples that benefit from efficient acceleration to a great extent
- Complete systems demonstrating increased energy efficiency and/or performance
- Comparisons between accelerator technologies

## Ph.D. Forum

The Ph.D. Forum is intended as a platform for Ph.D. students working in areas relevant to HEART’2024 to interact with peers and experienced researchers.
The form of Ph.D. forum will consist of pitch and poster presentations.

## Submission Guidelines

HEART’2024 adopts a double-blind review process; authors should not identify themselves, so author names, affiliations, e-mail addresses, and self-references should be blanked out.

Regular papers: Prospective authors are invited to submit original contributions as single-column, 12-page papers (not counting references) to be considered regular papers.

Ph.D. Forum papers: Ph.D. students working in areas relevant to HEART’2024 are solicited to submit single-column, 4-page extended abstracts (not counting references) to be considered as Ph.D. Forum papers comprising a summary of their research findings, work in progress, and/or planned research. The Ph.D. student should be the first author; thesis advisors may be co-authors. The technical program committee will review submissions to ensure quality and relevance.

All contributions (regular papers and Ph.D. Forum papers) must be submitted electronically in PDF format according to the ACM Primary Article Templates as follows. Please check the following ACM page, especially "2. The Workflow and Templates", for more information.

- Submitting Articles to ACM:
- Word template:
- LaTex template:
- Overleaf template:

Each accepted paper MUST have at least one exclusive associated regular registration for the manuscript to be included and published in the proceedings. Authors are also expected to present their paper(s) at the HEART2024 symposium.

## Publication

The proceedings of HEART2024 will be published by the ACM International Conference Proceedings Series (ICPS) and will appear in the ACM digital library:

## Organization Committee

General Chair: João MP Cardoso, University of Porto, Portugal
Vice Co-Chair: Jason Anderson, University of Toronto, Canada
Vice Co-Chair: Shibata Yuichiro, Nagasaki University, Japan
Program Co-Chair: Lana Josipović, ETHZ, Switzerland
Program Co-Chair: Peipei Zhou, University of Pittsburgh, USA
Finance and Sponsorships Chair: Pedro Diniz, University of Porto, Portugal
Publication Chair: Shreejith Shanker, Trinity College Dublin, The University of Dublin, Ireland
Publicity Co-Chair: Shinya Takamaeda-Yamazaki, The University of Tokyo, Japan
Publicity Co-Chair: Grace Zgheib, Intel, USA
Publicity Co-Chair: Mirjana Stojilović, EPFL, Switzerland
Local Arrangements Chair: Nuno Paulino, University of Porto, Portugal
Workshops, Tutorials and Demos Chair: Gabriel Falcão, University of Coimbra, Portugal
Web Chair: João Bispo, University of Porto, Portugal

## Steering Committee

- Hideharu Amano, Keio University, Japan
- Jason Anderson, University of Toronto, Canada
- Khaled Benkrid, ARM, UK
- Diana Goehringer, Technische Universitaet Dresden, Germany
- Martin Herbordt, Boston University, USA
- Michael Huebner, Ruhr-University Bochum, Germany
- Miriam Leeser, Northeastern University, USA
- Wayne Luk, Imperial College London, UK
- Takaaki Miyajima, Meiji University, Japan
- Hironori Nakajo, Tokyo University of Agriculture and Technology, Japan
- Christian Plessl, Paderborn University, Germany
- Kentaro Sano, Riken R-CCS, Japan
- Yuichiro Shibata, Nagasaki University, Japan
- Hayden Kwok-Hay So, University of Hong Kong, Hong-Kong
- Yoshiki Yamaguchi, University of Tsukuba, Japan

Related Resources

HEART 2025   International Symposium on Highly Efficient Accelerators and Reconfigurable Technologies
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ARC 2025   Applied Reconfigurable Computing
SEA 2025   Symposium on Experimental and Efficient Algorithms
FL-AsiaCCS 2025   International Workshop on Secure and Efficient Federated Learning In Conjunction with ACM AsiaCCS 2025
ICDTHT 2025   ICDTHT´25 - The 2025 International Conference on Demographic Transition, Health and Technologies
7th AccML 2025   7th Workshop on Accelerated Machine Learning (AccML)
AIAT 2025   2025 5th International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Application Technologies (AIAT 2025)
HEALTHINFO 2025   The Tenth International Conference on Informatics and Assistive Technologies for Health-Care, Medical Support and Wellbeing
AsHES 2025   The Fifteenth International Workshop on Accelerators and Hybrid Emerging Systems