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SBCM 2023 : 19th Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music


When Dec 14, 2023 - Dec 15, 2023
Where Online
Submission Deadline Nov 12, 2023
Notification Due Dec 1, 2023
Final Version Due Dec 10, 2023
Categories    computer music   music   audio

Call For Papers

The Brazilian Symposium on Computer Music (SBCM) are thriving and exciting venues for sharing ideas about recent developments in computer music, sound and music processing, music information retrieval, computational musicology, multimedia performance, and many other topics related to art, science, and technology. Just like in 2021, SBCM will host 2 events, a Scientific track, with technical and music papers, and a Computer Music National School (ENCM), with Research groups reports and in progress papers. In 2023, the 19th SBCM will be hosted by the Pontifical Catholic University of Paraná (PUC-PR) and will be a fully online event at affordable prices to welcome a broad music technology audience. We aim to achieve a more extensive diversity of themes, aesthetic trends, markets, and communities.

The organising committee welcomes the following contributions formats:

- Technical Papers, expected to present original research work, deal with research and outcomes involving subjects related to computer music's broad territory. Full technical papers will be presented at the scientific track. At least one of the authors must register for the conference. They can have up to 8 pages and must be written in English. Technical Paper reviews will be double-blind.

- Music Papers, centred on artistic and musical activities related to the conference theme, discussing artistic/creative processes description, aesthetics on digital music, computational musicology, or practice-based research approaches. These will be presented at the scientific track, and at least one of the authors must register for the conference. They can have up to 8 pages, must be written in English, and reviews will be double-blind

- Short Papers can present either original or ongoing research, with a technical or musical focus within computer music topics. Short papers will be presented at the ENCM track, can have up to 4 pages, and can be written either in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. Reviews will be single-blind.

- Reports for research groups, art collectives, studio practice presenting the artistic and research activity in a laboratory, project, research team, art collective, art groups, and/or any other kind of group work developed at Universities, communities, and Research Centers focused on computers and music. These will be presented at the ENCM event and can be either in English, Portuguese, or Spanish. These will be evaluated by the organising committee.

All the submitted works will be published in the SBCM proceedings and in the SBC Open Library.

Conference Topics
SBCM welcomes articles on all topics related to the intersection between computer science/engineering and music. At the time of submission, authors will be able to include other topics to facilitate the review process and welcome unlisted points.

- Artificial Intelligence, A-Life and Evolutionary Music Systems
- Computational Musicology
- Computer Music and Creative processes
- Digital Sound Processing
- Movement and Gesture
- Music Analysis and Synthesis
- Music Expressiveness
- Music Information Retrieval
- Music Emotion Recognition
- Music Perception, Psychoacoustics, and Cognition
- Music, Society, and Technology
- Real-time Interactive Systems
- Sensors and Multimodal Signal Processing
- Software Systems and Languages for Sound and Music

Important Dates
System open for submission (all categories): October 22, 2023
Submission Deadline (all categories): November 13, 2023
Notification of acceptances and rejections: December 1, 2023
Presenter registration deadline: December 5, 2023
Camera-ready submission: December 10, 2023
Presentation video submission deadline: December 10, 2023
The Conference: December 14, 2023, to December 15, 2023

Carlos N. Silla Jr.
19th SBCM 2023 General Chair

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