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MarketsandMarkets Event 2023 : 6th Annual MarketsandMarkets Real-World Evidence and Life Sciences Analytics Conference


When Oct 16, 2023 - Oct 17, 2023
Where Hampton Inn by Hilton Boston Seaport Dis
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    healthcare   real-world evidence   life sciences analytics

Call For Papers

Real-world data and real-world evidence are poised to keep making strides in 2023. The emergence of this pandemic has posed severe financial constraints on pharma-biopharma companies in several countries. In this regard, RWE solutions have proven to be extremely useful, as they allow industrial and academic researchers to monitor patients using digitally connected platforms while assisting to organize and evaluate clinical data for regulatory submissions.

Conference Registration:

Shifts in healthcare coverage and provision during the pandemic have changed the discovery and reporting of certain outcomes in data and the treated population. This means that disease trends may lead to incorrect interpretations when RWD and RWE are not framed in the context of the pandemic and long-term COVID-19 disease, therapy, and lifestyle changes. Telemedicine and virtual care may also provoke a greater adoption of technologies such as wearables and digital therapeutics, thus accelerating digitalization in the healthcare space and boosting the importance of RWE and AI.

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