Computer Game Development and Education (CGDEIJ) Scope and TopicsVideo games continue to open new frontiers in entertainment as well as more serious computing. The academic and industrial interest in the design, development, and education of video games has been witnessing an ever-increasing growth and this trend is expected to continue. The aim of this journal is to bring out the latest developments in all aspects of video game development and education in a timely manner. The International Journal of Computer Game Development and Education (CGDEIJ) is an open access peer-reviewed, quarterly journal that covers all aspects of video game creation, implementation, testing and deployment as well as education. Original, previously-unpublished research, development, and review articles are solicited on the following topics including but not limited to: Topics of interest include but are not limited to, the following - Communications and Networks
- Control, Intelligent Systems and Robotics
- Integrated Circuits and Embedded Systems
- Microelectronic Technologies, Devices, CAD and, VLSI
- Microwave, Nano Devices and RF
- Power and Energy Systems
- Signal Processing and New Media
- Applied Electromagnetics
- Artificial Intelligence and Artificial Life
- Hardware Formal Verification
- Photonics
- Software Engineering and Real-time Systems
Paper SubmissionAuthors are invited to submit papers for this journal through E-mail: must be original and should not have been published previously or be under consideration for publication while being evaluated for this Journal. Important Dates Submission Deadline | : | February 15, 2025 | Authors Notification | : | March 15, 2025 | Final Manuscript Due | : | March 22, 2025 | Publication Date | : | Determined by the Editor-in-Chief |
Editor in ChiefEditorial Board Members - Aaron Boudreaux, Eastern Oregon University, USA
- Daniel A.K, MMM University of Technology, India
- Antonio Mora Garcia,University of Granada, Spain
- Apirajitha,Sree Sastha Institute of Engineering and Technology, India
- Arun Kumar Dhupam,GMRIT, India
- Bruno Bouchard,University of Quebec, Canada
- Chandrashekhar Badgujar,Mumbai University, India
- Deepak Nitrkl,National Institute of Technology, India
- Dilip Roy Chowdhury, University of North Bengal, India
- Graham Morgan, Newcastle University, UK