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ICCPS 2024 : 15th ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems


Conference Series : International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
When May 13, 2024 - May 16, 2024
Where Hong Kong, China
Abstract Registration Due Oct 24, 2023
Submission Deadline Oct 31, 2023
Notification Due Jan 31, 2024

Call For Papers

ACM/IEEE International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems (ICCPS) is the premier forum for presenting and discussing the most significant recent technical research contributions in the field of CPS. ICCPS 2024 will be part of the CPS-IoT Week 2024. In addition to the general track, we are inviting papers to be submitted to two new tracks of ICCPS 2024: (i) Safe Learning-Enabled CPS, and (ii) CPS Industrial Applications.

* General Track calls for papers that make substantial technical contributions to the foundational aspects of Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS) science and engineering. Papers should be motivated by one or more applications of CPS, offering novel perspectives or advancements that significantly add to the current understanding or development of
CPS technologies.

* Safe Learning-Enabled CPS Track calls for submissions in topics related to safety of AI, ML, and autonomy components in the context of safety critical CPS. We invite papers that delve into the safety aspects of AI and ML-enabled CPS, discussing risks, mitigation
strategies, as well as new methodologies and technologies contributing to the secure and reliable operation of these systems.

* Deployments and Industrial Applications Track seeks papers that describe innovative industrial applications or practices related to CPS. We encourage submissions that provide outside of the lab, real-world deployments, and report on challenges and state-of-the-art
practices in CPS deployment in industrial settings. Please note, at least one co-author should have a clear association with the industry.

The topics of interest include (but not limited to)
* AI and Machine Learning for CPS including Safe Autonomy
* Safety and Resilience for CPS
* Architectures and Networking for CPS
* Software platforms and systems for CPS
* Foundations of CPS
* Human-machine interactions
* Sensing and monitoring
* Specification languages and requirements
* Design, optimization, and synthesis
* Testing, verification, certification
* Security, trust, and privacy in CPS
* CPS for social good
* Tools, testbeds, demonstrations and deployments
* CPS applications in power systems, infrastructure networks,
transportation, healthcare, aerospace, etc.

Papers in all tracks will be judged on soundness, significance, verifiability of claims, and presentation quality. The accepted papers will be included in the conference proceeding published via IEEE-Xplore. One of the accepted papers will be selected to win the Best Paper Award. We also encourage authors of the accepted papers to participate in the Artifact Evaluation. Papers that pass the Artifact Evaluation will receive a badge. Participation in Artifact Evaluation or a justification on why this is not applicable will be taken into account in Best Paper Award eligibility.

Submissions: All submissions must be in English. Only original papers that are not submitted or published in other conferences or journals will be considered. ICCPS 2024 will employ a light-weight double-blind review for submitted papers, in which authors must adhere to two rules: (i) authors’ names and institutions must be omitted; and (ii) reference to the authors’ own related work should be in the third person. Manuscripts should have a main body with no more than 10 pages including references in IEEE-two-column conference style, using US Letter (8.5-inch x 11 inch) paper size. An appendix of up to two additional pages may follow the main body of the paper. Submission site:

General Chairs
Abhishek Dubey, Vanderbilt University
Lu Feng, University of Virginia

Program Chairs:
Madhur Behl, University of Virginia
Necmiye Ozay, University of Michigan

Publicity Chairs
Asia: Zhihao Jiang, Shanghai Tech University
Europe: Sadegh Soudjani, Newcastle University
America: Parasara Duggirala, University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill

Posters and Demos Chairs
Jing Shuang (Lisa) Li, University of Michigan
Rahul Bhadani, University of Alabama

Publication Chair
Truong Nghiem, North Arizona University

Artifact Evaluation Chairs
Radoslav Ivanov, Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute
Daniel Fremont, UC Santa Cruz

Web and Social Media Chairs
Xugui Zhou - University of Virginia
Kuk Jin Jang - University of Pennsylvania

Related Resources

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CPSIoT 2025   13th International Conference on Cyber-Physical Systems
AI4RAILS 2025   6th International Workshop on “Artificial Intelligence for RAILwayS”
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