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IEEE IIB - TCII 2023 CFPs 2023 : IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin - Call for Papers


When Aug 6, 2023 - Oct 15, 2023
Submission Deadline Oct 15, 2023

Call For Papers

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Call for Papers

IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin

AIMS: The IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin (IEEE IIB) is the official publication of the Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII) of the IEEE Computer Society. It aims at promoting the excellent research on the wide spectrum of intelligent informatics, as well as displaying the news/reports on TCII related conferences and other activities. The Technical Committee on Intelligent Informatics (TCII) of the IEEE Computer Society deals with tools and systems using cognitive and intelligent paradigms such as machine learning incl. deep learning, natural language processing, medical informatics, knowledge engineering incl. knowledge graphs, data mining, Web intelligence, brain informatics, intelligent agent technology, parallel and distributed information processing with research and applications in big data, computer vision, virtual reality, recommender systems, social media, Internet of Things, smart city, intelligent transportation systems, robotics, humaniods, self-driving cars, wearable devices, and so on.

Areas and topics include, but not limited to:
* Machine Learning
* Knowledge Engineering and Knowledge Management
* Data Mining
* Information Retrieval
* Data Science and Big Data
* Web Intelligence
* Intelligent Agent Technology
* Medical Informatics
* Computer vision
* virtual reality
* Internet of Things
* Recommender Systems
* Parallel and Distributed Information

The submissions to the IEEE Intelligent Informatics Bulletin can be, but not limited to, the following types:
* Research Articles
* Feature Articles and/or Special Issues
* R & D Profiles (R & D centers and organizations; interview profiles on individual `stars'; projects; products)
* Book Reviews

Manuscripts accepted by IEEE IIB will be published and distributed once to twice a year in both hardcopies (ISSN 1727-5997) and electronic copies (ISSN 1727-6004) to all the members of the IEEE TCII.

Submission Instructions

Submissions should be prepared and submitted through the following hyperlink:

A coverletter should be included with a statement of the type of submission.

Enquires should be directed to:

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