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ENC 2023 : **Final extension**: Track: Scientific Computation Applied to Geospatial Problems, Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2023 (ENC 2023)


When Sep 11, 2023 - Sep 13, 2023
Where Guanajuato, Mexico
Submission Deadline Aug 4, 2023
Notification Due Aug 18, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 31, 2023
Categories    scientific computing   geospatial   machine learning   remote sensing

Call For Papers

Call for Papers (Final extension)

Encuentro Nacional de Computación 2023 (ENC 2023)
Track: Scientific Computation Applied to Geospatial Problems
September 11-13, 2023.
Guanajuato city, Mexico.

Link to this CfP:

The "Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia de la Computación A.C." and the
Technical Committee, invite students, postgraduates, professors,
researchers, and professionals to submit scientific papers to the
"Scientific Computation Applied to Geospatial Problems" track of the
"023 Encuentro Nacional de Computación" (ENC 2023) conference. The
manuscripts will be reviewed and selected by the Technical Committee
and the best works will be presented.

This year, ENC 2023 is organized by the Sociedad Mexicana de Ciencia
de Computación A.C. and the Centro de Investigación en Matemáticas
(CIMAT). It will be held on September 11-13, 2023, in the city of
Guanajuato, in the homonym State of Guanajuato, in central Mexico.

All the papers PRESENTED at the conference will be submitted to
IEEEXplore for worldwide exposure if they comply with its rules.


Submissions to the track are encouraged to be related (but are not
limited) to the topics of interest in the following areas:

- Computational modeling and spatio-temporal prediction applied to
social and geospatial problems.
- Algorithms and frameworks for solving problems related to mobility
and logistics.
- Scientific computing for environment and geographical data processing.
- Algorithms and distributed processing methods for geospatial Big Data.
- Analysis of geospatial complex networks.
- Geolocation and geoparsing.
- Machine learning applied to problems with social relevance and
geospatial focus.
- Remote sensing and geographic information systems.
- Applications for solutions to socio-territorial problems.

Important dates

- August 4, 2023: Paper submission (final extension).
- August 18, 2023: Acceptance Notification (final extension).
- August 31, 2023: Final paper submission (final extension).
- September 11-13, 2023: Conference.

Paper submission

The articles must be submitted through the Conference Management
Toolkit (CMT3) platform:

Please remove the author's information for double blind review.

Accepted articles will be published by IEEE, therefore the format must
agree with the IEEE template.

The articles must be written in English.

All the articles must satisfy the requirements and quality described
in the General Call for Paper, which can be found here:

The extension of the articles must not exceed 8 pages.
The number of authors is limited to 7.



- The paper’s motivation and the potential impact of the addressed
problem are discussed.
- The paper’s original contributions are clearly stated.
- The paper’s claims are properly scoped and supported.
- The paper clearly describes what was done and what was not.
- The choices made in each step of the research are justified (the why’s).
- The results are presented effectively in an appropriate format.
- Good discussion accompanies the results.

Experimentation (if applicable):

- The experimental design and its scale are appropriate.
- In comparative studies, appropriate baselines are used.
- The experimental results are reliable and generalizable.
- The evaluation methods employed are in line with the research questions.
- Statistical analysis is performed and reported appropriately.
- Sufficient details (with data and code where appropriate) are
provided to help other researchers assess and reproduce the

Track contact

- Rodrigo López Farías, Ph.D.:
- Alberto García Robledo, Ph.D.:
- Sergio Ivvan Valdez Peña, Ph.D.:
- Jorge Paredes Tavares, Ph.D.:
- Hector Solano Lamphar, Ph.D.:
- Daniela Moctezuma, Ph.D.:
- Angelina Espejel, Ph.D.:

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