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IEEE CSF 2024 : 37th IEEE Computer Security Foundations Symposium (IEEE CSF 2024) | |||||||||||||
Link: https://csf2024.ieee-security.org/ | |||||||||||||
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Call For Papers | |||||||||||||
The Computer Security Foundations Symposium (CSF) is an annual conference for researchers in computer security. CSF seeks papers on foundational aspects of computer security, such as formal security models, relationships between security properties and defenses, principled techniques and tools for design and rigorous analysis of security mechanisms, as well as their application to practice. While CSF welcomes submissions beyond the topics listed below, the main focus of CSF is foundational security and privacy. Papers lacking foundational aspects risk desk rejection without further evaluation of their merits; contact the PC chairs when in doubt.
Important Dates: Spring cycle paper submission May 15, 2023 Spring cycle author notification July 6, 2023 Fall cycle paper submission September 30, 2023 Fall cycle author notification December 2, 2023 Winter cycle paper submission February 3, 2024 Winter cycle author notification April 7, 2024 CSF Symposium July 8 - 12, 2024 TOPICS New results in security and privacy are welcome. We also encourage challenge/vision papers, which may describe open questions and raise fundamental concerns about security and privacy. Possible topics for all papers include, but are not limited to: - access control - accountability - anonymity - attack models - authentication - blockchains and smart contracts - cloud security - cryptography - data provenance - data and system integrity - database security - decidability and complexity - decision theory - distributed systems security - electronic voting - embedded systems security - forensics - formal methods and verification - hardware-based security - information flow control - intrusion detection - language-based security - mobile security - network security - privacy - security and privacy aspects of machine learning - security and privacy for the Internet of Things - security architecture - security metrics - security policies - security protocols - software security - socio-technical security - trust management - usable security - web security SYSTEMATIZATION OF KNOWLEDGE PAPERS CSF'24 solicits systematization of knowledge (SoK) papers in foundational security and privacy research. These papers systematize, re-formulate, or evaluate existing work in one established and significant research topic. Such papers must provide new insights. Survey papers without new insights are not appropriate. Papers trying to identify robust foundations of research areas still lacking them are particularly welcome. Submissions will be distinguished by the prefix “SoK:” in the title and a checkbox on the submission form. See the conference website https://csf2024.ieee-security.org/ for further information. |