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31st ENCATC Congress – Artificial Intell 2023 : 31st ENCATC Congress – Artificial Intelligence Embraced: The Future of the Culture and Creative Sector | 11-13 October 2023 | Helsinki, Finland / Hybrid Event


When Oct 11, 2023 - Oct 13, 2023
Where Helsinki, Finland
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    artificial intelligence   ai and impact on culture   education and research   opportunities and challenges

Call For Papers

The European Network on Cultural Management and Policy, ENCATC, invites
educators, researchers, cultural professionals, policy makers, artists and students
to join its annual congress under the theme “Artificial Intelligence Embraced: The
Future of the Culture and Creative Sector”.

- How is AI impacting the sector?
- How will AI change cultural policy, management, education and research?
- How can we profit from it and grow with it?

These are some of the key questions ENCATC will tackle in its upcoming congress from a multidisciplinary and cross-sectorial perspective. Featuring keynote speakers, panel discussions, workshops, and networking sessions with leading experts in the field, participants will gain a comprehensive understanding of AI and its potential for transforming policy approaches, management, research and education in the field of culture.

Full information on the 2023 Congress Website:

Registrations are open here: with Early Bird discounts ending on 15 August 2023.

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