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CASE-RANLP 2023 : the 6th workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text


When Sep 7, 2023 - Sep 8, 2023
Where Varna, Bulgaria
Submission Deadline Jul 24, 2023
Notification Due Aug 5, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 25, 2023
Categories    NLP   computational linguistics   artificial intelligene

Call For Papers

Call for workshop papers: the 6th workshop on Challenges and Applications of Automated Extraction of Socio-political Events from Text - CASE @ RANLP 2023



(new) Paper submission deadline: 24 July 2023

Paper acceptance notification: 5 August 2023

Paper camera-ready: 25 August 2023

Workshop dates: 7-8 September 2023

Softconf page of the workshop:


We invite contributions from researchers in computer science, NLP, ML, DL, AI, socio-political sciences, conflict analysis and forecasting, peace studies, as well as computational social science scholars involved in the collection and utilization of socio-political event data. This includes (but is not limited to) the following topics

1) Extracting events and their arguments such as time and location in and beyond a sentence or document, event coreference resolution.

2) Research in NLP technologies in relation to event detection: geocoding, temporal reasoning, argument structure detection, syntactic and semantic analysis of event structures, text classification, for event type detection, learning event-related lexica, event co-reference resolution, fake news analysis, and others with a focus on real or potential event detection applications.

3) New datasets, training data collection, and annotation for event information.

4) Event-event relations, e.g., subevents, main events, spatio-temporal relations, causal relations.

5) Event dataset evaluation in light of reliability and validity metrics.

6) Defining, populating, and facilitating event schemas and ontologies.

7) Automated tools and pipelines for event collection related tasks.

8) Lexical, syntactic, semantic, discursive, and pragmatic aspects of event manifestation.

9) Methodologies for development, evaluation, and analysis of event datasets.

10) Applications of event databases, e.g. early warning, conflict prediction, and policymaking.

11) Estimating what is missing in event datasets using internal and external information.

12) Detection of new and emerging socio-political event (SPE) types, e.g. creative protests.

13) Release of new event datasets.

14) Bias and fairness of the sources and event datasets.

15) Ethics, misinformation, privacy, and fairness concerns pertaining to event datasets.

16) Copyright issues on event dataset creation, dissemination, and sharing.

17) Cross-lingual, multilingual and multimodal aspects in event analysis.

18) Resources and approaches related to contentious politics around climate change.

**** Shared tasks ****

Please check the workshop page and Github repositories of the respective task for additional details.

Task 1 - Multilingual protest news detection: Contact person: Ali Hürriyetoğlu (, Github:

Task 2 - Collecting and Geocoding Armed Clash Events in Russian Ukrainian Conflict: Contact person: Hristo Tanev ( and Onur Uca (, Github:

Task 3 - Event causality identification: Contact person: Fiona Anting Tan ( Github:

Task 4 - Multimodal Hate Speech Event Detection: Contact person: Surendrabikram Thapa (, Github:

*** Keynotes ***

We will continue our tradition of inviting keynote speakers from both social and computational sciences. The social science keynote will be delivered by Erdem Yörük with the title “Using Automated Text Processing to Understand Social Movements and Human Behaviour” and the computational ones will be delivered by Ruslan Mitkov and Kiril Simov.

Please see the workshop webpage ( for additional details.

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