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NCAI 2023 : Artificial Intelligence: from Theory to Practice


When Nov 7, 2023 - Nov 8, 2023
Where Tebessa, Algeria
Submission Deadline Jul 20, 2023
Notification Due Sep 15, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 22, 2023
Categories    computer vision and graphics   cyber security and privacy   CONTROL & COMPUTER ENGINEERING   SUSTAINABLE AND RENEWABLE ENER

Call For Papers

The purpose of the Conference on Artificial Intelligence: From Theory to Practice (NCAI’2023) is to provide an excellent forum for addressing and discussing a variety of crucial themes and aspects related to AI and its applications. We believe that this event will provide an opportunity to learn from one another, exchange ideas, and explore innovative ways to shape the future of AI.

Papers accepted for the NCAI’2023 after the double-blind peer-review process will be published in the NCAI ‘2023 conference proceedings. Conference proceedings indexation will be announced soon. Additionally, selected papers that have been presented at the conference will also be considered for further development of a possible publication in the highly esteemed partner journal Acta Informatica Pragensia (AIP)

Keynote Speakers in NCAI'2023

Pr. U. Rajendra Acharya, University of Southern Queensland. Australia.
70 000 citations on Google Scholar (with an h-index of 132). He has been ranked in the top 1% of the highly cited researchers for the last seven consecutive years (2016–2022) in computer science.

Pr. Faïez GARGOURI, Professor in Computer Science

University of Sfax – Tunisia, Vice President of the University of Sfax

His research interest focuses on different information systems’ fields, such as, Design, Quality Measurement, Verification, Data Warehousing, Multimedia, Knowledge Management and Ontology. He published more than 350 papers in journals and conferences and more than ten books (pedagogical or conference proceedings).

DR. HAMDA SLIMI, Assistant professor in computer sciences

Larbi Tebessi University- Tebessa, LAMIS laboratory.Algeria

Dr. Hamda Slimi is an assistant professor at the University of Tebessa, who has extensive experience in working with Large Language Models like BERT and RoBERTa, and graph embedding techniques such as Node2Vec.

We hope you will also encourage your colleagues, research group members and fellow scientists to contribute and participate in this conference and look forward to seeing you in Tebessa, Algeria.

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