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BigDataAnalytics 2023 : Big-Big Data Analytics Competition (CyberC, IEEE TCCC, IEEE TC @ BD)


When Nov 2, 2023 - Nov 4, 2023
Where Suzhou, China
Submission Deadline Oct 12, 2023
Notification Due Oct 30, 2023
Final Version Due Nov 2, 2023
Categories    big data   artificial intelligence   machine learning   deep learning

Call For Papers

Data Science revolves around the procedures and techniques employed to retrieve and scrutinize data, enabling the acquisition of valuable insights for making well-informed decisions. In order to raise awareness regarding the advancements in data analytics technology, IEEE CyberC 2023 is hosting an extensive Big-Big Data Analytics Competition. The competition is currently underway and participants are required to submit a comprehensive report containing their codes by October 12, 2023. The outcomes of the competition will be revealed during the CyberC 2023 event, scheduled to take place from November 2-4, 2023 in Suzhou/Taicang, China.

CyberC Paper Submission:
CyberC 2023 – IEEE TCCC: The 15th Int. Conference on Cyber-Enabled Distributed Computing and Knowledge Discovery
Location: Suzhou, China, November 02 - 04, 2023
Publication: IEEE (EI & IEEE Xplore)
Paper Submission: EDAS ( or PDF to
Submission Deadline: July 31, 2023

2BIG Competition (Note: Paper submission is not necessary for Participation of the Competition):

The competition requires participants to analyze and gain insight from the dataset provided. Please download the dataset and instructions as specified below.

The dataset consists of the training set dataset_train_2018-2021.csv and test set dataset_test_2022.csv. Please click here to download the file

Please click here to download the instructions.

Registration Form
Please click here to download the registration form. Submit your registration form (Fill in all Fee = 0) together with your report by following the call-for-participation's instructions.

Participation is limited to registered attendees only. Please find the registration information below.

Registration Link: To register for the conference, you need to visit the following link:

Registration Deadline: Make sure to complete your registration before October 12, 2023. After this date, registration may no longer be possible.

Data Analytic Report and Code: Along with the registration form, you are required to submit your data analytic report and code. This suggests that the conference may involve a data analytics component, and participants are expected to present their findings or share their work in this area.

Team Registration: A single registration allows a team of up to three students to participate in the conference. It means that a team can register together under one registration form.

Submission Details: The completed registration form and accompanying documents, such as the data analytic report and code, should be submitted to Dr. Bin Xie at Make sure to send your materials to the provided email address.
You may participate individually or as part of a team of at most 3 members (e.g., 1 or 2 students and 1 instructor, normally your professor, but an instructor is not necessary).

While submitting your registration form to, you must submit your data analytic report by October 12, 2023, by sending an email to Competition Chair, Dr. Di Zhang (, consisting of:

Your report with codes
The following information:
Name or names of members in a team
Affiliation (e.g., name of university or company)
Email address(es)
Do you have a paper accepted by CyberC 2023?

Using the dataset, your reports could include the method you used, the performance (e.g., time efficiency), the prediction results, etc. Your report will be evaluated based on a reproducible and stable result on the test set. Your performance, report, and source code will be checked in two steps:

Rank the accumulated return (AR) on the test set as claimed in all reports and select the three highest for candidates.

Check the reproducibility and stability of the results, including re-running the source code, modifying the random number seed, checking whether external data sources are referenced, etc. For answers with unstable accuracy, the judges will lower their rankings according to the results of the rerun and disclose the related reasons. Teams that were not in the top three before may be substituted. The accumulated return (AR) ranking after verification is the final ranking of the competition.

The first, second, and third winners of the competition will be honored with prestigious Golden, Silver, and Bronze prizes, along with an Honorable Certificate and cash rewards of 5000 RMB, 4000 RMB, and 3000 RMB, respectively. The winners will be determined by a distinguished panel of judges. Additionally, the team instructor, such as a professor, will be invited to play a prominent role in CyberC 2023 as a token of recognition for their contribution.

Finalist teams will have the opportunity to showcase their work before the judging panel during the CyberC 2023 event, which is scheduled to take place from November 2-4, 2023.

Now - The competition starts
October 12, 2023 - Deadline of report submission to the competition
November 2-4, 2023 - Finals and Prize-giving ceremony

IEEE TCBD (Technical Committee on Big Data),
IEEE TCCC (Technical Committee on Computer Communications), and
IEEE Big Data

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