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SEMUT 2023 : The 1st edition of SEMUT - Simulation and Emulation for Tactical Environments and Networks workshop


When Oct 30, 2023 - Jan 3, 2023
Where Boston, MA, USA
Submission Deadline Sep 4, 2023
Categories    simulation   emulation   tactical   networks

Call For Papers

The 1st edition of SEMUT - Simulation and Emulation for Tactical Environments and Networks workshop, co-located with the IEEE Military Communications Conference (MILCOM 2023)

30 October – 3 November 2023 // Boston, MA, USA

Scope and topics

Standard testing and evaluation methodologies of modern military operations require the deployment of expensive assets and increasing logistical resources. This calls for the development of simulated/emulated scenarios that can reproduce operation environments, connectivity, assets’ movement, communication patterns, and adversarial activities with fidelity. The reproduction of a realistic proving ground of this kind is a non-trivial and error-prone process due to the complexity of each of these factors.

This session addresses topics of interest for the emulation/simulation of military capabilities, with a special focus on comprehensive tools capable of concurrently emulating multiple facets of the battlefield and the generation of realistic, reproducible scenarios with enough variety to prevent the tested solutions from specializing on selected artificial data.

The workshop is also open to the field of trials and measurements to be used to parameterize/configure emulation environments considering that having good models or distribution functions for parameters can significantly increase the realism of tactical scenario emulation.

For more information and submission details, please visit the MILCOM 2023 website at


- Emulation/Simulation of tactical networks.
- Network parameters of real-world measurements and field trials.
- Modelling of traffic and network conditions for tactical scenarios.
- Emulation/Simulation of assets movements.
- Emulation/Simulation of 5G networks for military operations.
- Sandbox and gamification of military operations.
- Auditing and validation of emulation/simulation tools for tactical environments.
- Emerging and disruptive technologies based on AR/VR supporting modern military operations.
- Generation of reproducible scenarios for training AI-based systems.

Organizing Committee

- Christoph Barz, Fraunhofer Institute (FKIE), Germany,
- Jan Nilsson Swedish Defence Research Agency, Sweden,
- Kelvin M Marcus, US Army Research Laboratory, USA,
- Roberto Fronteddu, Florida Institue for Human and Machine Cognition (IHMC), USA,

Important Dates

• Submission Deadline: 4 September 2023
• Notification of Acceptance: 18 September 2023

Submission instructions

All submissions should be written in English with draft papers up to six (6) printed pages in length, two-column, single-spaced with 10-point font on US Letter paper. Final papers that exceed six (6) pages will be assessed a per-page over-length charge of $150/page, up to a maximum of eight (8) total pages. Please check the manuscript requirements for further details.

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