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ReSAISE 2023 : The 1st IEEE International Workshop on Reliable and Secure AI for Software Engineering Co-located with ISSRE 2023


When Oct 9, 2023 - Oct 12, 2023
Where Florence, Italy
Submission Deadline Jul 31, 2023
Notification Due Aug 18, 2023
Final Version Due Aug 25, 2023
Categories    adversarial attacks and defens   privacy-preserving ai   program repair   ai coding assistants

Call For Papers

The ReSAISE 2023 workshop invites researchers and practitioners to present their research work on reliability and security of AI for software engineering. For a detailed list of topics of interest, please see the home page.

This call for papers is open to two types of submissions:

Research Papers, 8 pages (including references): Authors are invited to submit high-quality unpublished research work describing the results of theoretical and experimental research addressing the reliability and security of AI in software engineering applications.
Short/Position Papers, 4 pages (including references): Authors are invited to submit short papers and position papers describing challenges and work in progress addressing the reliability and security aspects of AI for software engineering applications.
Papers must be written in English and be formatted according to the IEEE authoring guidelines ( Papers that exceed the page limits specified above, are outside the scope of the workshop, or do not follow the formatting guidelines will be rejected. All submitted papers will be peer-reviewed by program committee members.

The best papers will be accepted and included in the workshop program according to the following criteria: relevance of the addressed topic to the scope of the workshop; novelty of the proposed contribution; technical relevance and practicality of presented ideas; relevance of case studies and of results for the industrial community; writing, presentation accuracy and style. Accepted papers will be published in a supplemental volume of the ISSRE conference proceedings by the IEEE Computer Society, and will appear on IEEE Xplore.

At least one author of each accepted paper registers for the ISSRE conference and presents the paper at the workshop. Paper submission will be done electronically through EasyChair (URL: TBD). Authors are required to indicate the category as part of the paper’s title.

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