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Maple 2023 : Maple Conference 2023


When Oct 26, 2023 - Oct 27, 2023
Where Online
Submission Deadline Jul 11, 2023
Categories    mathematics education   symbolic computation   maple applications   computer algebra

Call For Papers

Maple Conference 2023

This conference is dedicated to exploring different aspects of the math software Maple, including Maple's impact on education, new symbolic computation algorithms and techniques, and the wide range of Maple applications. Attendees will have the opportunity to learn about the latest research, share experiences, and interact with Maple developers.

Maple Conference 2023 invites submissions of presentation proposals on a range of topics related to Maple, falling into three broad categories, "Maple in Education", "Algorithms and Software", and "Applications of Maple".

All presenters at the conference are invited to submit a full paper. These submissions undergo peer-review, and the decision about acceptance or rejection lies with the Program Committee. Accepted papers are published in the conference proceedings.

Maple in Education

Topics could include, but are not limited to:
* Effective ways to use Maple, Maple Learn, Maple Flow, and/or Maple Calculator as tools to support remote learning or hybrid courses
* Innovative uses of Maplesoft technology in the classroom (new ways to approach old problems, methods for teaching courses outside of traditional core math, impact on the curriculum, etc.)
* Measurable improvements in student performance after integrating Maple, Maple Learn, Maple Flow, and/or Maple Calculator into a course
* Classroom tips and techniques/best practices drawn from experience

Algorithms and Software

Topics could include, but are not limited to:
* Symbolic and symbolic-numeric methods for solving mathematical problems, from any field
* Algorithm optimization and performance tuning techniques
* Effective use of types and data representations for particular problems or domains
* User interfaces for mathematical problem solving

The work described in your presentation can be implemented in systems other than Maple, as long as its relevance to the Maple community is clearly expressed.

Applications of Maple

Topics could include, but are not limited to:
* Applications that use Maple in unusual settings or in unusual ways
* Applications that push or extend the limit of what Maple can do
* Applications that explore critical world problems
* Applications that combine Maple with other technology


All presentations will be done live, and members of the audience can be heard to encourage more interactions and discussions. You can participate by giving a formal presentation of research results, interesting applications, or teaching experiences, and taking questions at the end. But you can also incorporate more interactive elements, such as asking for a quick show of (zoom) hands, posing questions to the audience to encourage discussion, or even leading an interactive activity.

Some things to note:

* Live sessions will be recorded and recordings will be made available after the conference. (There is no need to prepare a video in advance.)
* Each participant will have 15 minutes.
* Participation sessions will take place as Zoom meetings, so audience members can speak directly to the presenter and each other.
* All presentations are to be given in English.
* Presenters will have the option to submit papers and articles to a special Maple Conference issue of the Maple Transaction journal after the conference.
* Time being finite, spaces are limited. Selection will be based on the interest level of the topic to the community, and ensuring attendees will be exposed to a range of topics.

Applications are due on July 11, 2023.

Conference Details and Important Dates

Conference Date: October 26–27, 2023, with most activities taking place between 9:00 am and 4:00 pm EDT
Location: Online
Submission Deadlines: Proposal submission: July 11, 2023
Notification of acceptance/rejection of proposal: Aug. 10, 2023
Submission to Maple Transactions: Details will be determined by the Editors and communicated after the conference

Contributed Program Committee

Program Chair: Paulina Chin, Maplesoft
Session Chairs:
Maple in Education: Paul DeMarco, Maplesoft, and Erum Dost, Maplesoft
Algorithms and Software: Jürgen Gerhard, Maplesoft, and Curtis Bright, University of Windsor
Applications of Maple: Alex Beilby, Maplesoft, and Kaska Kowalska, Maplesoft
Art Gallery: John May, Maplesoft

Related Resources

ICon-MaSTEd 2025   XVII International Conference on Mathematics, Science and Technology Education