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SustainCom 2023 : 13th IEEE International Conference on Sustainable Computing adn Communications


Link: http://Sustainable Computing and Communications refers to principles that embrace a range of policies, procedures, programs, and attitudes that run the length and breadth of any use of in
When Dec 21, 2023 - Dec 24, 2023
Where Wuhan, China
Submission Deadline Aug 15, 2023
Notification Due Sep 25, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 20, 2023
Categories    computer science   sustainable computing   sustainable communications

Call For Papers

Sustainable Computing and Communications refers to principles that embrace a range of policies, procedures, programs, and attitudes that run the length and breadth of any use of information and communication technologies. It is a holistic approach that stretches from power to waste to purchasing to education and is a life-cycle management approach to the deployment of IT across an organization. It includes designing, manufacturing, using, and disposing of information and communication systems with minimal or no impact on the environment.

IEEE SustainCom (Sustainable Computing and Communications) was created to provide a prime international forum for researchers, industry practitioners and domain experts to exchange the latest fundamental advances in the state of the art and practice of Sustainable Computing and Communications as well as innovative applications.

IEEE SustainCom 2023 is the next event evolving from a series of highly successful International Conferences.Prospective authors are invited to submit their papers to SustainCom 2023. The conference proceedings will be submitted to IEEE Xplore. The authors of selected best papers will be invited post conference to extend their contributions for special issues of prestigious journals to be planned in conjunction with the conference.

Track 1: Sustainable Computing and Communications
- Theoretical Aspect of Energy, Power, and Temperature
- Algorithms for Reduced Power, Energy and Heat
- Power-aware Design of Software, Middleware and Systems
- Power-aware Networking
- Real-time systems
- Power-efficient Computing Architectures
- Efficient Circuit Design for Energy Harvesting
- Power Management in Memory, Disk, Storage and other peripheral Devices
- Configurable and Renewable Energy
- Low Power Electronics
- Energy Efficient Network Hardware
- Energy-Efficient Communication Protocols
- Low power Communication Technologies
- Embedded Systems, ASICs and FPGSs
- Power Leakage and Dissipation
- Code Profiling and Transformation for Power Management
- Power-aware Scheduling and Resource Allocation
- Energy-efficient Wireless/Mobile/Sensor Systems and Networks
- Security and Privacy
- Wearable Computing
- Ecological Monitoring, Analytics and Visualization
- Green Communications Architectures and Frameworks
- Green Data Centres and Enterprise Computing
- QoS and Green Computing
- Integration of Smart Appliances
- Green Software Engineering Methodologies and Tools
- Virtualization Impact for Green Computing
- Case Studies on Green Computing and Communications
- Green Computing Models, Methodologies and Paradigms

Track 2: Sustainable Systems and Technologies
- Sustainable Architectures for Smart Grids
- Smart Grid Security, Reliability and Load Balancing
- Energy Management Systems (EMS)
- Economic Models of Energy Efficiency
- Energy Monitoring, Profiling and Measurement
- Renewable Energy Systems and Harvesting Energy (e.g. Solar, Wind)
- Greener Systems Planning and Design
- Virtualization for Reducing Power Consumption
- Evolutionary Algorithms in Energy Applications
- Scheduling and Switching Power Supplies
- Optimization Techniques for Efficient Energy Consumption
- Reliability of Power-aware Computers
- Runtime Systems that Assist in Power Saving
- Models for Collective Optimization of Power and Performance
- Monitoring Tools for Power and Performance of Parallel and Distributed Systems
- Use of Sensors for Environmental Monitoring
- Smart Control for Eco-friendly Buildings

Track 3: Sustainable Methodologies and Applications
- Smart City (Sustainable Design, Models, Frameworks, Policies and Strategies)
- Smart City (Sustainable Integration and Optimization of Comprehensive Resources and - Information Flows - energy, emissions, people, goods and services)
- Sustainable Energy Generation, Transmission, Distribution and Delivery
- Smart Buildings and Urban Infrastructures
- Smart Grid for Energy Generation, Transmission, Monitoring and Management
- Open Government, Open Data Policies, Urban-Scale Data Sharing, Information Security and Privacy
- Smart Logistics and Sustainable Supply Chain Management
- Smart People, Smart Living and Smart Citizen Engagement
- Intelligent Transport Systems and Traffic Management
- Smart Energy-efficient Sensor Networks and Internet of Things
- Smart Home, Smart Healthcare and Ageing Population support
- e-Mobility, e-Work and e-Business Applications
- Sustainable Urban Mobility and Smart Vehicle Management
- Smart Resource Support and Demand Management and Optimization
- User-Centred Services and Systems
- Open Big City Data, Cloud Computing, Internet-Enabled Infrastructures and Services for Sustainability
- Innovation Labs, Experimental Test-Beds and Simulation Environments
- Mechanisms for Motivating Behavior Change
- Advanced Data Analytics for Smart Cities
- IS Architecture Design and Platform for Sustainability
- Case Studies and Innovative Applications for Sustainability

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