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JUCS_SI 2023 : Special issues on Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective


When N/A
Where N/A
Submission Deadline Sep 15, 2023
Notification Due Dec 15, 2023
Final Version Due May 30, 2024
Categories    cybersecurity   multidisciplinary

Call For Papers

Journal of Universal Computer Science (J.UCS) Special Issue

Fighting Cybersecurity Risks from a Multidisciplinary Perspective

Guest Editors:

Steffen Wendzel
Worms University of Applied Sciences, Germany

Aleksandra Mileva
University Goce Delcev in Stip, Republic of N. Macedonia

Virginia N. L. Franqueira
University of Kent, UK

Martin Gilje Jaatun
University of Stavanger, Norway

Background & Call for Manuscripts:

The modern Internet is a collection of traditional hosts, powerful computer systems, mobile phones, and a range of IoT devices interconnected by different network technologies and complex infrastructures. In this cyberspace, administrated in different domains and powered with a variety of highly interactive, smart-enabled and multiple-area-spanning services, a huge load of sensitive data is constantly produced and transferred.

On the negative side, the Internet is subject to many new and old security and privacy risks and challenges, and its use magnifies the attack surface. Therefore, the task of ensuring security, privacy, safety and resilience requires multidisciplinary approaches to combine computer science knowledge with knowledge from different fields, such as behavioral sciences, sociology, criminology, investigations and law.

This special issue aims to offer a mixture of selected extended versions of papers presented at the European Interdisciplinary Cybersecurity Conference (EICC2023) and accepted papers originating from the public call. We welcome submissions dealing with the abovementioned risks and problems, new challenges, interdisciplinary issues, and innovative multidisciplinary solutions (defense mechanisms, methods, and countermeasures) for promoting cyber security in the cyberspace.

We cordially invite prospective authors to submit original papers on the following topics (list is not exhaustive):

Cybersecurity and cyber resilience
Cyber insurance
Digital privacy
Digital currency, blockchains and cybercrime
Law, investigation, internet jurisdiction and ethics
Child safety in the cyberspace
Cyber forensics
Surveillance, interception, blocking and sovereignty
Cyber warfare
Network security
Critical infrastructure security
Embedded systems security
Business continuity and disaster recovery
Information security governance
Security management
Cloud security
Internet of things security
Big data and cybersecurity
Healthcare information security
Software development security
Cyber-physical systems security
Adversarial machine learning
Trust management

Submission and Evaluation Procedure:

The Journal of Universal Computer Science is a high-quality electronic publication that deals with all aspects of computer science. J.UCS has been appearing monthly since 1995 and is thus one of the oldest electronic journals with uninterrupted publication since its foundation. A number of special issues as well as the printed archive editions of the volumes are also available in print and can be ordered directly from J.UCS office.

Manuscripts must be submitted in PDF format, written in English with no direct or indirect reference to authors, and should not exceed 20 pages. Papers should be prepared according to the JUCS’s guidelines for authors and should be submitted online to be included in the review process. Illustrations and tables must be provided as integrated parts of the manuscript. The guidelines for authors are available at:

Please, bear in mind that the extended version of papers originally presented at the EICC’23 conference or workshop must contain at least 50% new content, and the title and abstract of the extended version must clearly and unmistakably differ from those of the article presented at the conference. The key difference to original to the EICC’23 papers must be stated in the introduction.

Only novel research papers which are currently not under review at another event or a journal will be accepted for the review process. For more details, please also refer to:

Please submit your papers not later than 15 September 2023 using the following submission link:

Each paper will be blind reviewed by at least 3 reviewers. According to the covered main subjects in the content, a selected set of reviewers with the appropriate expertise will be assigned.

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