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IEEE ICC workshop 2024 : IEEE ICC 2024: Call for workshop proposals


When Jun 9, 2024 - Jun 13, 2024
Where Denver, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 16, 2023
Notification Due Aug 31, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 25, 2023
Categories    next-generation network   communications   wireless communication   mobile

Call For Papers

In addition to exciting technical symposia, tutorials, industry forums and exhibitions, IEEE ICC 2024 will feature a series of half and full-day workshops. The ICC 2024 workshops will highlight current topics related to technical and business issues in communications and networking, and will include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion.

We invite the submission of workshop proposals. The aim of the conference workshops is to emphasize emerging topics not specifically covered in the main symposia. Workshops should highlight current topics related to technical and business issues in communications and networking, and should include a mix of regular papers, invited presentations, and panels that encourage the participation of attendees in active discussion.

Proposals that address exciting topics in creative formats that generate lively interactions among participants are highly encouraged. Examples include facilitating multi-disciplinary discussions across academicians, practitioners, and policymakers leading to high impact and transformative research.

As Colorado is a national hub for the Cable, Space, and Satellite Communication Industries, workshops featuring topics of interest to these industries are especially encouraged.

Please address your questions to Workshop Program Co-Chairs Janise McNair, JaeSeung Song, and Yuanqiu Luo.


* Janise McNair, University of Florida
* JaeSeung Song, Sejong University
* Yuanqiu Luo, Futurewei Technologies


Proposal submissions should be submitted as a single PDF file online via EDAS. Submission procedures will be available soon.

Accepted papers will be submitted for inclusion into IEEE Xplore subject to meeting IEEE Xplore's scope and quality requirements.

Each workshop proposal (maximum 5 pages) must include (please follow the following order in your proposal):

* Title of the workshop
* Workshop Organizers (names, affiliation, and contact information)
* Scope and topics of the workshop (max 1 page)
* Rationale (max 1 page)
- Why is the topic current and important?
- Why will the workshop attract a significant number of submissions of good quality?
- Why will the workshop attract a large number of attendees, in addition to the authors?
- How does the workshop differ from others, i.e., related workshops and conferences of similar topic?
* A short biography of the organizers (up to 200 words per organizer)
* Names of potential participants, such as program committee members and invited speakers (indication that speakers accepted to participate is a plus)
- Planned format of the workshop, including
- Duration of the workshop: Half-day, Full-day and tentative schedule
- Preferred day of workshop
- Number of refereed papers, hot topic sessions, keynotes, panels (Unique, creative and novel workshops formats are strongly encouraged)
* Draft Call for Papers (max 1 page)
* A description of the publicity and promotion plan
* Workshop potential website address (if available at the time of the proposal - will be required later if the workshop proposal is accepted)
* A description of past versions of the workshop (if applicable), including the number of submitted and accepted papers, number of attendees, etc. If a similar workshop has been organized at recent ICC/Globecom, please explain the similarities and differences.


* Proposal Submission Deadline: 2 August 2023
* Notification of Selection: 31 August 2023
* CFP for Web Posting: 25 September 2023
* Workshop Paper Submission Deadline: 20 January 2024
* Paper Acceptance Notification: 6 March 2024
* Camera Ready: 15 March 2024
* Registration for Accepted Papers: 15 March 2024

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