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ROSS 2023 : International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers


When Nov 12, 2023 - Nov 12, 2023
Where Denver, Colorado, USA
Submission Deadline Aug 7, 2023
Notification Due Sep 8, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 29, 2023
Categories    operating systems   runtime systems   parallel computing   high-performance computing

Call For Papers

International Workshop on Runtime and Operating Systems for Supercomputers
*** ROSS 2023 ***

Held in conjunction with SC23: The International Conference for High
Performance Computing, Networking, Storage and Analysis,
Denver, Colorado, USA, November 12, 2023


The complexity of node architectures in supercomputers increases as we
cross milestones on the way towards Exascale and beyond. Increasing levels
of parallelism in multi- and many-core chips and emerging heterogeneity of
computational resources coupled with energy and memory constraints force a
reevaluation of our approaches towards operating systems and runtime

The ROSS workshop, to be held as a half-day event in conjunction with the
SC23 conference, focuses on principles and techniques to design,
implement, optimize, or operate runtime and operating systems for
massively parallel supercomputers and cloud environments for
high-performance computing.

In addition to typical workshop publications, we encourage novel and
possibly immature ideas, provided that they are interesting and on-topic.
Well argued position papers are also welcome.

- OS and runtime system scalability on many-node and multi/many-core systems
- management of heterogeneous and reconfigurable compute resources, including FPGAs, GPUs, etc.
- distributed/hybrid/partitioned OSes and runtime systems for Supercomputing
- system noise analysis and prevention
- runtime and operating systems for resource disaggregation
- modeling and performance analysis of runtime systems
- the use of machine learning and AI techniques in the autotuning of system software
- OS and runtime considerations for large-volume, high-performance I/O
- memory management and emerging memory technologies
- OS and runtime aspects of HPC in the cloud, convergence of Supercomputing and cloud environments
- infrastructure for cloud functions and serverless computing in the context of HPC
- virtualization in HPC, including virtual machines and application containers
- the role of OS and runtime system in minimizing power usage


The ROSS workshop proceedings will be published electronically via the ACM
Digital Library. Submitted manuscripts should be formatted using the new
consolidated ACM template sigconf format. The maximum paper length is 8
pages, not including references and other appendices. All papers must be in
English. Please visit the workshop website for further instructions and the
submission link.


Balazs Gerofi Intel, USA
Torsten Hoefler ETH Zurich, Switzerland
Kamil Iskra Argonne National Laboratory, USA


Patrick Bridges, University of New Mexico, USA
Bronis R. de Supinski, Lawrence Livermore National Laboratory, USA
Bernd Mohr, Juelich Supercomputing Centre, Germany
Yoonho Park, IBM Research, USA
Kevin Pedretti, Sandia National Laboratories, USA
Miquel Pericas, Chalmers University of Technology, Sweden
Carsten Weinhold, Barkhausen Institute, Germany

Contact us at if you have any questions.

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