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Wenzao European Forum 2023 : 6th Wenzao European Forum: The Role of Taiwan in Europe-Asia Relations


When Nov 17, 2023 - Nov 17, 2023
Where Kaohsiung, TAIWAN
Submission Deadline Oct 10, 2023
Notification Due Oct 16, 2023
Categories    european studies   taiwan   international relations

Call For Papers

==== AIM & PURPOSE ====

As Taiwan seeks to deepen its ties with Europe and Asia, it is essential to examine its role in the changing geopolitical landscape of the region. This forum aims to examine the role of Taiwan in the changing geopolitical landscape of Europe and Asia.

By bringing together scholars and experts from different disciplines, the forum seeks to provide a platform for exchanging ideas and insights on the opportunities and challenges facing Taiwan in its efforts to enhance its relations with Europe and Asia. The forum aims to promote a deeper understanding of the implications of Taiwan's role in the region for regional and global context, stability, and prosperity.

The purpose of the forum is to explore the drivers and patterns of Taiwan's engagement in connecting Europe with Asia and to analyze the implications of this engagement for regional and global affairs.

The forum seeks to provide a comprehensive and multi-disciplinary analysis of Taiwan's relations with Europe and Asia, including economic, political, cultural, and social dimensions. The forum aims to generate new knowledge and ideas that can inform policy and decision-making in the region and promote academic and intellectual exchange between Taiwan, Europe, and Asia.

We invite scholars and experts from different disciplines, including

- political science,
- international relations,
- economics,
- health,
- history,
- education,
- cultural studies

to submit papers that address these questions and related issues. We welcome theoretical, empirical, and comparative studies that provide insights into the role of Taiwan in Europe-Asia relations.

==== MORE INFO ====

==== ORGANIZER ====

Graduate Institute of European Studies (GIES),
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900 Mintsu 1st Road Kaohsiung 80793, Taiwan
TEL:+886-7-342-6031 ext. 7902

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