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INSAI 2023 : 3rd International Conference on Networking Systems of AI


When Nov 4, 2023 - Nov 5, 2023
Where Xi'an, China
Submission Deadline TBD
Notification Due Aug 15, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 15, 2023
Categories    b5g physical communications an   polymorphic networks and confi   heterogenous micro and nano el   ai empowered smart services an

Call For Papers

3rd International Conference on Networking Systems of AI (INSAI2023) explores emerging trends and novel ideas and concepts covering a broad range of topics in the area of Networking Systems of Artificial Intelligence. Each submission is anonymously reviewed by an average of two independent reviewers, to ensure the final high standard and quality of submitted papers.

Contributions are sought in the following areas:
1. B5G Physical Communications and Networks
- B5G AI empowered communications
- Innovative waveforms, modulation, and multiple access
- AI empowered L2 multihop wireless transmissions
- Mobile/Edge/Cloud computing infrastructure
- Flexible optical transport
- Service customized communication and computing
2. Polymorphic Networks and Configurability
- Service customized virtual networks
- Multi-time-scale resource allocation and configuration
- Dynamic management of network topology
- Network routing and load balancing
- Dynamic intelligent network slicing
- Security, accountability & privacy
3. Heterogenous Micro and Nano Electronics for IMCSC (Integrated Memory-Computing-Sensing- Communications)
- Mimic-state wafer and chiplet designs
- Next generation CPU based on RISC-V architecture
- Next generation memory-computing for AI computing
- Heterogenous IMCSC architecture and technology
- NSAI based communications and MEMS
4. AI Empowered Smart Services and Applications
- Distributed AI computing
- Online evolutive learning based AI systems
- Smart services and APIs
- New AAA techniques
- NSAI applications and trails
- AI approaches to IoT requirements
5. Ubiquitous Brain Networks
- AI empowered Brain-Computer interface
- Applications of UBN

Important Dates
Last date for paper submission: July 15, 2023
Last date for paper acceptance: August 15, 2023
Last date for registration: October 15, 2023
Friendly Reminder:If you need an overdue submission, feel free to contact the conference secretary via

Keynote Speakers
Kostas Plataniotis, Professor, University of Toronto, Canada.
Jiangchuan (JC) LIU, Professor, Simon Fraser University, Canada.
Liang Song, Professor, Fudan University, China.
Zhiyun Lin, Professor, Southern University of Science and Technology, China.
Laurence Tianruo Yang, Academic Vice President, Hainan University, China.
Nebojša Bačanin Džakula, Associate Professor, Singidunum University, Singapore.

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