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Why Study a Foreign Language? There are 2023 : For the Issue of Language as Relationships, Culture and National Awareness


When Jan 9, 2017 - Jun 5, 2024
Where Tbilisi
Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    linguistics   science

Call For Papers

Why Study a Foreign Language? There are a few answers: I want to communicate in that language; I want to work in that language or to live in a specific country where that language is spoken; I want to learn because my hobby is learning languages and so forth. The reasons are varied, and therefore the demand is defined based on this.

When teaching Georgian as a foreign language, not only the Georgian alphabet, morphological-syntactic language, style, or vocabulary issues will be taught, but important details of the nation's consciousness will be absorbed. The details are one integral factor that defines the character, habits, traditions, and actions of a nation. You will agree that it is extremely difficult and almost impossible to determine the purity of the water in which we swim. Everything that is ours is engulfed in us and it is virtually impossible to separate, perceive, or distinguish it.

In fact, globalization, the unification of countries in some respects, is an inner alarm for small countries, a warning bell. It is also everyone's desire and ancestry for their ancestors to be able to maintain their originality and remain on the map. Immediately after a first encounter, a foreigner tries to absorb as much information as possible, to understand a country's internal movements, and human actions, and to explain the reactions they see visually. In order to learn about a country and a nation, they learn the language that is the code of the nation's thinking and cultural vision of the world.

It is not disputed in linguistics that the time has come to explore the links between linguistic and thought-provoking phenomena. Despite language as a psychological phenomenon, language and speech remain the object of study; It's just a changed aspect of research. For sociolinguists, the internal structure of a language is not important, but rather how humans consume language, how it is used by representatives of a particular society, in short, the communicative situation (language and ethnicity). There are sociolinguistics studies on the social differences in the functioning and development of language, and psycholinguistics - the mental processes of human speech activity.

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