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WMT-Testsuites 2023 : Call for Participation: Test suite sub-task of the Eighth Conference on Machine Translation (WMT23)


When Dec 6, 2023 - Dec 7, 2023
Where Singapore
Submission Deadline Jun 19, 2023
Notification Due Jul 27, 2023
Final Version Due Sep 1, 2023
Categories    machine translation

Call For Papers

the “Test suites” sub-task will be included for the sixth time in the General MT Shared Task of the Conference on Machine Translation (WMT23).


Test suites are custom extensions to the test sets of the General MT Shared Task, constructed so that they can focus on particular aspects of the MT output. They cοnsist of a source-side test-set and a customized evaluation service. As opposed to the standard evaluation process which produces generic quality scores, test suites often produce separate fine-grained results for each phenomenon.

Given the massive improvement of MT and the emergence of LLMs recently, test suites can be useful at revealing serious flaws of otherwise highly scoring systems.


19th June: Test suite source texts must reach us

27th July: Translated test suites shipped back to test suites authors:

TBC - September: Test suite description and analysis paper

Potential participants are kindly requested to fill in this form


The sub-task is co-ordinated by Ondrej Bojar and Eleftherios Avramidis.

Further information can be found in the dedicated page of the WMT website

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