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THMT 2023 : Telehealth and Medicine Today CALL FOR PAPERS


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Submission Deadline TBD
Categories    digital health   telehealth   health information systems   digital health innovation

Call For Papers

THMT 2023 Call for Manuscripts

This year, Telehealth and Medicine Today (THMT) is challenging researchers, health systems, hospitals, tech leaders, frontline practitioners, and innovation pioneers, to demonstrate all the ways in which new technologies, modalities, and delivery models of care are changing the digital health landscape for consumers around the globe.

Caring for patients via remote pathways and monitoring is a large part of this challenge. Multidisciplinary collaboratives and coalition members including academia, public and private enterprise, and government organizations and institutions, should submit their findings, discuss challenges, present solutions, and impact on cost, to the journal for review.

THMT editors seek high quality and novel research, including failed experiments, to share with a global ecosystem in a field that is changing care and wellness for consumers around the globe. Visit the editorial board here.

Journal statistics

Get a fast response for your work and timelines:

Desk Reject Rate 48%
Acceptance Rate 39%
Days to Accept 36
Average days to publication 56
NEW: faster accepted author version posted online first, followed by production version of record

Suggested Topics

Topics include but are not limited to digital technologies, smart devices, and connected equipment that improve health, lower cost, increase access to, and promote better health through:

Artificial intelligence and smart technologies
Web3 technologies: real-time 3D (RT3D) augmented, virtual, mixed reality (AR/VR/MR) immersive experiences
Information governance & data protection
Wearable devices and health data across systems
Remote patient monitoring for chronic conditions, communication and counseling
Senior and home care intervention, recovery strategies & outcomes
Patient portals and personal health apps
UX design, consumer loyalty & retention strategies
Patient and provider relationships
Provider-to- provider experiences
National infrastructure, regulation, rural care access
Frameworks redefining traditional roles of collaboration and reimbursement
Reducing health system costs
Workforce and crisis models
Workflow and business processes
Meeting and exceeding the quadruple aim
Low-income community strategies for success
Digital health solutions for persons with disabilities
Mental health and substance use digital and remote services
Reimbursement, licensure, and provider practice standards
Population health management
Failed experiments (APC is automatically waived for these submissions ONLY)

Advantages of publishing in Telehealth and Medicine Today

Indexed in Scopus, Science Open, Google Scholar, Proquest, Nebis, Unpaywall and others
Excellent customer service –calls and emails answered in detail within 24-48 hours
100% OPEN ACCESS - there are No Paywalls or limits to article access for maximum exposure and reuse by authors
Read across 120 countries worldwide, with 65 -75,000 impressions/mo as per Google Analytics
Video abstracts and Plain language summaries to amplify work
NEW Transparent Peer Review (TPR) option
High-quality peer review
Fast and user-friendly submission portal

Submission Portal

Submit your manuscript as early as possible to be tracked for the next quarterly issue. Manuscripts undergo full peer-review.

THMT is published quarterly online. Deadlines for quarterly issue submissions are:
March 1 | June 1 | October 1 | December 1

Use the original research article below to model your manuscript:

Remote Patient Monitoring Effectively Assures Continuity of Care in Asthma Patients During the COVID-19 Pandemic, Christopher March, BS, et al

Audience: Viewership includes leaders from universities, hospitals, medical research centers, payors, researchers, medical directors, IT/IS, healthcare providers, nurses, consultants, service and platform providers, entrepreneurs and startups, pharmaceutical, device, pharmacy, NGO, government, and policy and regulators around the globe.

Note: APC applies unless your university or organization has a Publish and Read Agreement on file.

Waivers will be granted to lower-middle income countries as per the World Bank

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