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#SMM4H 2023 : Social Media Mining for Health Applications Workshop & Shared Task 2023


When Nov 11, 2023 - Nov 12, 2023
Where USA (TBA)
Submission Deadline Aug 11, 2023

Call For Papers

Social Media Mining for Health Applications (#SMM4H) 2023 Workshop & Shared Task:

The #SMM4H Workshop serves as a venue for bringing together researchers interested in automatic methods for the collection, extraction, representation, analysis, and validation of social media data (e.g., Twitter, Reddit) for health informatics. The 8th #SMM4H Workshop invites the submission of papers on original, completed, and unpublished research in all aspects at the intersection of social media mining and health. Please see the above website for additional information.

Important Dates (Tentative)
Submission deadline: August 11, 2023
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2023
Camera-ready papers due: September 29, 2023
Workshop: November 11 or 12, 2023 (TBA)

The #SMM4H Shared Tasks address natural language processing (NLP) challenges of using social media data for health informatics, including informal, colloquial expressions, misspellings, noise, data sparsity, ambiguity, and multilingual posts. For each of the 5 tasks below, teams will be provided with annotated training and validation data to develop their systems, followed by 5 days during which they will run their systems on unlabeled test data and upload their predictions to CodaLab. Additional details and the CodaLab site for each task can be found on the above website. Please use this form to register:

- Task 1: Binary classification of English tweets self-reporting a COVID-19 diagnosis
- Task 2: Multi-class classification of sentiment associated with therapies in English tweets
- Task 3: Extraction of COVID-19 symptoms in Latin American Spanish tweets
- Task 4: Binary classification of English Reddit posts self-reporting a social anxiety disorder diagnosis
- Task 5: Normalization of adverse drug events in English tweets

Important Dates (Tentative)
Training and validation data available: April 24, 2023
System predictions for validation data due: June 30, 2023
Test data available: July 10, 2023
System predictions for test data due: July 14, 2023
Submission deadline for system description papers: August 11, 2023
Notification of acceptance: September 15, 2023
Camera-ready papers due: September 29, 2023
Workshop: November 11 or 12, 2023 (TBA)

Organizing Committee
Graciela Gonzalez-Hernandez, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA
Ari Z. Klein, University of Pennsylvania, USA
Abeed Sarker, Emory University, USA
Yuting Guo, Emory University, USA
Juan M. Banda, Georgia State University, USA
Raul Rodriguez-Esteban, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland
Lucia Schmidt, Roche Pharmaceuticals, Switzerland
Dongfang Xu, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA
Ivan Flores, Cedars-Sinai Medical Center, USA

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