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96th IAEC 2023 : 96h International Atlantic Economic Conference


When Oct 5, 2023 - Oct 8, 2023
Where Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA
Submission Deadline Jun 15, 2023
Final Version Due Oct 5, 2023
Categories    economics   finance

Call For Papers

The 96th International Atlantic Economic Conference will be held in-person 5-8 October 2023, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, USA. Submission fees continue to be waived for Ph.D. students and post-Doctoral Fellows upon receipt of proof of student or fellowship status (photo of your student ID sent to, although Ph.D. students and post-Doctoral Fellows will still be responsible for paying the registration fee if their abstract is accepted for presentation. Ph.D. students and post-Doctoral Fellows must also provide proof that their school would indeed fund their registration and travel is their abstract is accepted for presentation.

The mission of the conference is to create a platform where economists and finance experts from academe, government, and the private sector can present their research results, exchange ideas and network in a collegial environment from all around the globe. Meetings also provide opportunities for participants to renew acquaintances and to forge new ones. Distinguished delegates from around the world gather to present, discuss, and exchange valuable information in the fields of economics, business and finance. Participants share drafts of their research with their session colleagues 30 days in advance of the meeting to facilitate dialogue at the conference.

The conference provides the opportunity to gain international insight and perspective on global issues. The conference also helps attendees stay up to date on research associated with their fields. We look forward to seeing you in person at the conference! Stay tuned for more updates!

NOTE: If you plan to attend the 96th International Atlantic Economic Conference, please add to your email’s list of safe senders. Otherwise, important conference emails, such as your acceptance letter, might wind up going to your junk and/or spam folder.

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