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IUPAC-FAPS 2023 : 8th International IUPAC-FAPS Polymer Congress


When Sep 12, 2023 - Sep 14, 2023
Where Istanbul, Türkiye
Submission Deadline Aug 21, 2023
Categories    polymer sciences   chemistry   nanotechnology   materials science

Call For Papers

It is with our greatest honor that we announce the upcoming 8th International FAPS Polymer Congress which will be held in Istanbul between the dates 12 and 14 September 2023. The main focus of this congress will be on the amalgamation of green chemistry with polymer sciences for an eco-friendlier future. We hope to gather scientists and many other important people within their respective fields from all over the globe with the aim to promote productive and constructive discourse, give young and prospective researchers the opportunity to meet prominent individuals and create a tightly knit community centered around polymer sciences and technologies.

  FAPS, or Federation of Asian Polymer Societies, is an Asia-based organization founded in 2008 with the joint participation of members from China, India, Japan, and Korea. FAPS currently harbors more than 15 member societies from all over Asia and keeps on growing with each passing year. FAPS Polymer Congress, which is organized by FAPS itself, is a biennial international scientific congress that brings people from all parts of the world to discuss current and recent topics in polymer sciences.

  This upcoming congress will host numerous plenary and invited lecturers who will bring their expertise from their respective fields.

  On behalf of the Organizing Committee, we cordially invite you to this upcoming congress. We would be more than glad to see you with us in such a grand scale scientific organization.

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